Chapter 42: Dramatic much?

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"Shuck sakes, I really am a Glade mother" Newt muttered to himself as he knocked on the doors down the hall, calling Alex, Minho and Thomas for supper. All three of them had slept the day away.

There was no answer on Alex's door and Minho wasn't in their shared room. He rolled his eyes and knocked harder on Alex's door, waiting for a response. He heard nothing so he opened the door, praying he wouldn't walk in on something like this morning. He shuddered when the mental image of his baby sister and his best friend in such a precarious position.

He peeked an eye open. He saw the two curled into each other, sleeping. He muttered and grumbled to himself about being a mother and taking care of slint head shank glade children. He went to shake them away, but he heard a quiet giggle. He looked down at their faces, and that's when he realized they were messing with him. He chucked a pillow at them, threw his hands in the air and stormed out of the room, but not before he heard them burst into laughter.



Minho came bursting into the picnic area with Alex on his back.

"My Fair Lady'' He yelled so loud that all the Gladers in the area turned to see what was going on, "We have made it to the Feast of Fry!"

Alex held both her hands out, Fry handed her two plates.

"Thy lil Lady and her...noble steed?" Fry chuckled.

"Her Good Sir Knight, thank you!" Minho corrected.

"Noble steed, for sure!" Alex mouthed to Frypan, who chuckled again at them. It was nice to see the goofy Minho again.

She awkwardly carried them while Minho continued to piggyback her to the table. Frypan followed, with his plate- most of the Gladers were finished eating.

Minho and Alex were sitting hip to hip and thigh to thigh. They were so close they kept bumping elbows, and then giggling, while they had elbow wars. Newt looked at them with a sickened look on his face, Chuck and Matt were trying very hard to contain their laughter as they pointed out the disgusted faces of Thomas, Newt and Jeff.

"Will you always be like this? Uhg, It's so..bloody disgusting!" Newt whined.

Minho whipped his head around to look at the rest of the table, "Disgusting?" He gasped, clutching his chest, "You guys think we're...disgusting?" He looked back at Alex, "Babe! Did you hear that Babe?"

Alex knew Minho was going to start with his dramatic antics again. And decided to play along, trying to contain her giggles. She placed her fork down and looked at him, with a frown.

"Ya, babe, I did! Which, Babe, is odd, because apparently Babe...did you know this Babe? Get this ..there were beats going on about us, Babe."

She gave Frypan, Chuck and Matt a very disappointed look. She noticed Thomas look away, slightly guilty. Minho closed his eyes, slowly placed his hands flat onto the table and stood up. Everyone looked slightly leery, they never really knew what Minho was going to do. His eyes flew open, as he turned to face the rest of the picnic area.

"HEY YOU UGLY SHANKS!" he bellowed at everyone, he had their attention. "How many of you shuck faced had bets going on Alex and me?"

Every Glader raised their hand. Minho smirked smugly at the reaction while Alex's jaw dropped. Minho continued with a loud voice, addressing everyone.

"Okay then, so if you were betting then there should be NO ISSUE with what we do, where we do it, or how we do it!"

"That's what she said!" Someone yelled.

Defender - The Maze Runner (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن