Chapter 17: Slint Head

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Alex stormed through the glade towards the runners. "Minho! You bloody slint headed shuck faced twat!" she thundered. She was so loud a few builders stopped and looked. Ben looked between the two and took off in the direction of the map room. Leaving a confused and slightly guilty looking Minho alone.

"Thanks man! So much for the bro code!" He yelled after his running partner.

He turned back to see that Alex had stomped right up to him. She was toe to toe with him. Her face was twisted with anger, her jaw clenched, her eyes full of fiery anger. It matched her fiery hair. No one had seen her this angry before and he took a cautious step backwards. He was definitely taller and bigger than her, she only came up to his mid chest, but she seemed to grow, fueled by pure anger. She narrowed her eyes. She threw her arm back, and with all the anger and hurt running through her little body she slapped him. It was so hard his head flew to the side and he stumbled. The sharp slap sound echoed all over the Glade. Her hand stung. She couldn't imagine how much his face stung...actually never mind, she didn't care right now.

The glade was quiet, all the work noise came to a sudden halt. A few Gladers even came out of the homestead to watch. Frypan had left his kitchen and was now standing beside Alby and Newt.

"You have a lot of shucking nerve, ya know that?!" She started in a low hiss. "Last night when I asked you to stay because I needed someone and you used that to what? Stroke your stupid ego? Start some shuckin bloody rumors? You made me out to be a Glad slut! Did you know that? Try and make the rest of the Gladers...what exactly? Jealous? Get a few high fives? Dose it make you feel better? Do you feel like a man now Minho? The shuck is your shucken problem? I thought MAYBE you were actually my friend! Staying because you actually cared about me. But no. You taunt your best friend and then spew some bull shit to the others! All of which, is not true! And you bloody know that! You have no shucken clue the comments I've got all day because of you!"

She had turned red with anger, remembering the comments from some of the builders and bricnicks at lunch, especially from Chris. Someone in the lunch line smacked her butt as they walked by. She was shaking, she was so angry her eyes were burning with tears, she had her fists clasped so tight she could feel her nails cutting into the palms of her hands.

"Because now, thanks to your lies, I have guys who think it's okay to make sexual comments and gestures. Someone decided my ass was their property in the lunch line, Minho. Did you know that? I thought you said we were a family, and you all had my back! I guess thats a big load of klunk!"

Minho's eyes were wide with horror. He opened his mouth and closed it. He looked down at his feet, shifting back and forth.

"You're shucken lucky I have a right hook and Alby was there to throw him in the Slammer. Shuck You, you egotistical jerk!"

She took another big breath, her face red, and continued her range.

"Why haven't you talked to me in weeks? It's because you're jealous, isn't it? Man! Fry was right! You're treating me like a shucking piece of meat. You of all people! Mr Confidence himself, all insecure that I talk to other guys. And if you haven't shucken noticed Minho, I have no other choice! I'm surrounded by walls, I'm not allowed to leave and guess what's inside the walls, Minho? Boys! 60 loud stinking boys!"

She poked him hard in the chest a few times while she yelled at him. She was on a roll now, all her anger and frustration over the last few weeks exploding onto the stunned and guilty boy, who still had a red handprint on his face. Yelling at him was like verbally punching his stupid beautiful perfect face. A face she missed dearly, but the face she was beyond angry and hurt with.

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