Chapter 41: I Have Your Back

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Alex and Minho found Thomas on his way to the doors. Minho ran in front of him and placed a hand on his chest to slow him down. "Hey, hey, where're you going?"

"Back into the maze." Thomas said with a straight face, looking at the maze doors, he kept walking.

"Hey-" Alex started, Minho cut her off, much to her annoyance.

"Hey, Thomas." Minho followed with an eye roll, stepping in front of Thomas again. "What is this with you, huh? A death wish? You just got out and now you want back in?"

Minho had a point, these guys had spent all night, Minho was out there a full day and night, and he was still on his feet. Alex felt slightly guilty for keeping him up, but one stray thought back to five minutes ago and her face heated up and her stomach exploded with butterflies.

Worth it. And I so won.

"Newt said that no one has ever seen a Griever and lived to tell about it, right? - Well I guess you two lived..but Minho, now we have one. You're telling me you're not even a bit curious?" Thomas threw his hands towards the maze doors, in exasperation.

"Not really, no. Last time I went to investigate a dead one it wasn't actually dead and I ended up having a shuckin sleepover with them!" Minho snarked, just as frustrated.

Thomas took another step. Minho rolled his eyes and stepped closer to Thomas, a hand in his chest to stop him again. "So, what's the plan? You're going out and gonna dissect that thing all by yourself?" Minho challenged.

"I will if I have to! It's about time we find out what we're up against." Thomas finally looked at Alex.

"All right." Alex nodded. "But you're not going back out alone." Alex said.

Thomas looked relieved that someone was taking this seriously. Bark jumped excitedly, woofing knowing something good was happening.

Alex continued, crossing her arms, "But not today. You both are dead on your feet and you haven't eaten." Alex said with authority.

Thomas was trying to protest

"No Thomas. Not today." Alex said again. Thomas deflated.

"Look, Tommy, if that griever isn't dead or if its friends show up, you need all the energy to fight and run. And if it is dead, it won't be going anywhere. Trust me. Now Go. Eat. Have a shower. And tomorrow bright and early we will grab a few brave Gladers and Minho and I will help dissect it. Good that?"

"But..." Thomas started.

"THOMAS." Alex yelled at him. "I am now your second in command, and I will throw your bloody arse in the Slammer right now to keep you here if I have to!"

She was shorter than him, but he shrunk a little when she yelled his name.

"Everyone go have a nap, after supper Minho will show you the map room and then you go to the Slammer for the night. Tomorrow we will come get you for our adventure. Good that."

She left no room for arguments. Minho stood there with his arms folded with a grim look on his face, nodding, looking very much like her bodyguard. Thomas deflated even more. He looked so forlorn.

"Tommy,'' Alex softened, and placed her hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's a good idea! It's a great idea! You two just need rest. Okay? You can't save everyone if you are too exhausted to save yourselves. Good that?"

Thomas just nodded and walked away.

"I need to find Chuck '' she muttered to herself and went off in search of the kid.

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