Chapter 44: Dissection

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Minho, Alex and Newt were standing in front of the Slammer door, "Big day, Greenie. Are you sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" Minho teased as he fiddled with the lock and key, agonisingly slow.

"Come on, man. Get me out of here." Thomas bagged, wrapping his hands around the bars, he heard all the commotion and laughing last night, he was ticked he missed it..

"All right. All right." Minho replied "Let's go!" Thomas pushed his way out even before the door was fully opened.

He likes to squeeze through small places doesn't he? This is totally going to be a thing! 'thonased that' is definitely gonna be a thing!

"Wait, hold up ya shank! You need some food and some gear." Alex grabbed his arm.

"Whyyyy? Why can't we go now? What kind of gear?" He whined.

"Tommy. Slim it. One, the walls aren't even open. Race you to the closed walls... And two. Follow Minho. He has info you need and I'll meet you."

With that she and Newt left Thomas in Minho's care.

"Bye Babe!" Minho called.

"Babe! Bye! See you real soon!" Alex called. Newt rolled his eyes and grabbed her wrist, pulling her along.

Minho over exaggerated a big wave goodbye. Thomas had grabbed Minho's upper arm and hulled him towards the map room.

Alex had turned around, walking backwards "Bye Babe! Hey Babe! I'm going to miss you so shucken much!" She reached the arm Newt wasn't holding out towards him, and blew him kisses.

"Babe! I love you! Babe, remember that, Babe! Hey, Babe? Don't forget! I looooooove yoooou!" He called back, grabbing her kisses, and blowing some back.

Thomas rolled his eyes, yanking Minho's arm even harder, while Newt pulled Alex towards the kitchens.

"BABE NOOOOO! BABE! COME BACK TO ME BABE!" Minho yelled. At this point they were on the either side of the Glade, and they were just yelling at each other.

"Come on man!" Thomas yelled frustrated.

Alex and Minho both burst into hysterical laughter,

"HAVE FUN BABE!" Alex managed to shout before Newt clamped a hand over her mouth and hulled her over his shoulder. She still struggled and tried reaching for him, laughing the whole time. He didn't let go. So she licked his hand. He shrieked and dropped her onto the ground where she lay laughing at her brother's disgusted face, as he wiped the slobber onto his pants.

"Relax Mama Newt. You are so easy to mess with." Alex laughed at her now annoyed brother.

"Haha. Very funny. Now look, I know you 3 are going into the maze to check out that dead Griever. But the other runners quit and are absolutely refusing to go back."

"Shucking cowards," Alex muttered, picking herself off the ground.

Newt ignored that, "What's the plan?"m

"Newt, the less you know the better. Minho and I worked it out last night. Okay? Just do your thing here and we will be back as quick as we can." She patted his shoulder and walked into the Homestead to suit up.


Minho and Thomas stood by the door, covered by the trees of the Deadheads waiting anxiously. The doors had just opened. Thomas was itching to go. He was bouncing on his toes in his new running shoes and pack on.

"Just Slim it! Alex would skin us alive if we left without her." Minho said, checking his watch.

"You're totally scared of your girlfriend!" He teased.

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