Chapter 19: Aftermath

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Alex stirred. She lay still for a minute, eyes still closed, her heart pounding, her fight or flight was still in high drive. Her chest rising and falling way too fast for someone who was just asleep. She tried to open her heavy sore eyelids. Only one opened, the other was swollen shut. She used her good eye to figure out where she was. There were wood planks above her, it was bright, the sun was shining from the window above her. It smelt sterile, she must be in the Med Room. She slowly turned her pounding head. She saw two boys beside her bed, both slumped in sleep in wood chairs.

The blonde had his chin on his chest, leaning against the wall, his hands loosely holding his machete in his lap. The other boy was sleeping with his upper half draped on her bed, his head resting on his bent arm. There was a fresh bruise on his cheek. His other hand was a few inches from hers. As if he was holding it before he fell asleep. There were fresh cuts and bruises on his knuckles. Alex gingerly moved her hand, slowly and gently rubbed the fresh scabs with her thumb. Was it him who had tackled the monster off her last night? She looked back at his face. She had missed his face. He looked peaceful and younger when he slept. She studied his face. Her tummy was doing backflips, and she wasn't sure if it was from her concussion or because of him. She gazed at the bruise on his cheek, then searched the rest of his face. He had a small split on his bottom lip. Her eyes traveled up and saw his eyes flutter open. His sleepy coffee brown eyes meet her hazel ones, well one hazel eye. He quickly sat up, his face full of worry.

"Oh Sunshine" he whispered, his morning voice still rough, "I'm so sorry."

Her eyes filled with tears, she had no idea the extent of the damage done to her. But based on the look on Minho's face, and how she felt, it was not good. She tried to talk, but it hurt so much, and the only sound was a raspy cough.

"No. Don't. Jeff said not to talk, your throat is swollen, and really bruised. Wait until the swelling is gone and then whisper."

She was scared to know, but she raised a shaky hand and pointed to her face, then her neck, and motioned to the rest of herself. Minho looked away.

"I'm sorry! I blame myself for what happened, I should have been there sooner. It shouldn't have happened at all. I should have been there to stop it before it happened. Sunshine, I'm sorry!" His voice cracked, and he sniffed. He looked back and his eyes flicked over her injuries. He cleared his throat.

"Well.. according to Jeff, you have a pretty good black eye. There is a gash and a large lump on the back of your head they had to stitch up. The cut down your neck was long, but not deep, thankfully. Goes from under your chin down your neck and across to your shoulder. You have a shuckin bite mark on your neck and arm. He shuckin bit you like an animal!"

Tears gathered in her eyes, they leaked out and ran down her face into her hair. Minho looked down at his hands and continued quietly, "your chest and torso are covered in scratches from his nails and knife when he ripped your shirt and...and.. and went nuts. Bruised ribs, nothing is broken...You also have a concussion."

Alex felt so violated. She felt so scared and unclean. So lost, alone and vulnerable. She closed her eyes. She silently let the warm tears fall down into her hair. She felt so broken.

Newt twitched and jerked awake, looking for danger. When he realized it was safe, he relaxed. He looked down at his sister. He sighed sadly. Stretching, he looked at Minho, who nodded stiffly.

"Alex? It's okay Love, It's okay, you're safe now... I'll go get Jeff, he wanted to know when you woke up."

Newt got up, kissed her forehead and left the room. Alex turned her face towards the wall, shame crashing over her in waves. Minho sat beside her awkwardly. Alex could hear him nervously fidgeting. He ran a hand through his hair. When he cleared his throat and stood up Alex looked at him in panic. She didn't want to be alone. She was still angry and hurt with how he treated her and what he said. But still she was terrified to be alone. He was her friend, her best friend at one point, she did trust him deep down. She needed someone she trusted. She let out a small whimper. Minho quickly sat down on the side of her bed and grabbed her small hand.

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