Chapter 15: Memories

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Alex was thrashing around in her bed, tears ran down her face. She was whimpering, which turned into screams. The first cry woke up Bark. The dog put her front paws onto the bed and nuzzled the girl, Alex only thrashed harder. The dog took off for help. She sniffed down the hall, picking up a familiar scent. She pushed the door open. Nuzzling the boy on the floor, nothing happened. She licked his face. Minho bolted up, awake.

"What? What?! What's going on? Uhh! Dog slobber?! What the shuck Bark!"

The dog was pushing his back with her head. A scream split the quiet night air. He was now fully awake. Adrenaline rushed through him, he recognized that scream.


He was up and out the door in an instant, he ran towards his old room, the door was open and he saw her thrashing in her sleep, whimpering and crying. She let out another scream. Minho threw himself down beside the bed shaking her shoulders trying to wake her up.

"No! Don't take him! Please no! Please don't take him! Minho! No!"

Minho froze.

Why's she yelling my name? Who is taking me away? Away where?

The girl was crying and whimpering.

"No! Don't take him too! You took them all from me! Please don't take him too! No! Minho!"

Minho tried shaking her shoulder again. She wouldn't wake up.

"Alex!" He yelled, shaking her shoulders roughly.

She sat up with a gasp, her eyes wild, arms falling. She smacked Minho in the face, she scrambled back into the corner, she was muttering the same thing over and over.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. Don't take him, I'll do anything."

Minho sat down on the edge of the bed, rubbing his cheek, "shhh shh, it's ok, it was a dream, just a dream"

Alex's wild eyes tried to focus on the direction the voice was coming from. She was still painting and repeating herself. His angry jealousness melted a little. She needed someone right now, and he had been a slint head. Minho opened his arms cautiously, unsure if she would accept. She crawled over immidiatly. He wrapped his arms around her. She stopped muttering and her whimpers and sniffles quieted. He ran his fingers through her hair and her panting became regular breathing. Minho felt her body relaxing falling asleep. He tried to lay her down so he could go back to his sleeping bag. She tightened her grip on his shirt and whispered so quietly he almost missed it.

"Please. Will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone."

Minho's heart beat faster.

"Ya...ya sure. Always."

He lay down, and pulled her beside himself. She put her head on his chest, his t-shirt still clenched tight in her tiny fist. He circled an arm around her protectively, and put the other behind his head, and closed his eyes. A small smile on his face, despite her nightmare. He felt the bed dip again, he peeked an eye open, Bark had jumped up and snuggled down beside him too.

"Good dog."

They all fell asleep and slept soundly.


The sun was just starting to shine through the window, when he opened his eyes. He tried to sit up but couldn't move. Confused, he looked down and saw red gold hair spread out over his chest and pillow. He smelt coconut and sunshine and sterilizer from the MedJack Hut.

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