Chapter 5: The Fight

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A few boys stood around a huge pile of wood, the rest of the Gladers stood around hooting and hollering.

Alby lifted his touch into the air and yelled, "We Survived another month. We got another Greenie," He looked over at her. "FOR THE SHE -BEAN! LIGHT 'EM UP!"

He threw his flaming torch into the pile of wood, the other Keepers followed suit. The pile lit up quickly, throwing bright flames high into the air, giving the darkening Glade a warm glow. The Gladers all broke off into their own friend groups. She heard some music being played on buckets and other hand made instruments. She saw one boy, holding an actual guitar. Some guys were showing off their dance moves and tricks. Whatever else teenage boys do to show off to each other. A rowdy crowd gathered by a sand pit, shouts and grunts coming from the middle.

She was left alone, the few people she knew were all busy doing something and she couldn't see them. She decided to wander around, see what's what. As she shyly walked around, heads turned in her direction, watching as she walked past. Some of the guys would stand up to say hi and introduce themselves. Most of the guys were nice enough, holding a hand out to shake, giving their name, asking if she remembered hers, and leaving it at that. A few of the bolder guys tried to lean in for a hug. She would side step and give a quick "it was nice to meet you" and slip away, desperately trying to find a familiar face.

One boy, who she recognized as the oily voiced boy at the box who said they should use her to procreate and told Alby he wouldn't mind touching her again, given the chance, kept following her. He was the only one who wouldn't take a hint. She shuddered thinking back to the comments he said about wanting to touch her again. She definitely got an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach when she thought of him. Definitely not a guy she would trust to be alone with. He had caught up with her again; he threw an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her uncomfortably close to his side, sliding his hand down.

"Hey there, beautiful. Looks like you could use some good company." He said in a suggestive tone, winking at her.

"No. Thanks. I was just on my way to find Newt." She looked desperately around for him or Minho or Chuck or Alby or even Gally for that matter! She'd take Gally the Bully over Mr Sleazy Creep.

"Aww, no need for that shank, I said good company. The name is Chris, by the way." His arm was clamped around her, forcibly steering her.

She realized he was pulling her away from the Gladers, and the bonfire. Her danger alert went off wildly, she grabbed his arm, pushing it off and spinning away from him. She stepped back quickly.

"I said No." She took another step back, his sleazy smirk dropped for a split second to anger before the sleazy smirk was back. But she saw it. She was uncomfortable before, but now she felt unsafe. Without another word she turned and ran back into the crowd, desperately trying to get away. She wasn't watching where she was going, a few shoulders bumped into her and she tripped over someone's foot. She landed on her stomach with a loud OMPH.

"Ahh! Looks like the little She-Bean wants a turn in the ring!"

Oh no. Oh shuck shuck shuck! Stupid bloody shucken shuck!

She recognized that sneering voice. It belonged to Gally. She pushed herself up onto her feet, brushing sand off her pants and shirt. She looked around, and realized she was in the middle of the sand pit, the wrestling ring; Gally was standing on one side with his shirt off, covered in sweat. When Gally had yelled, it got the attention of every Glader around the fire. They excitedly gathered around, forming a tight circle around the pit.

She stood perfectly still, hardly daring to breathe. Scared that any movement would trigger the bull of a boy in front of her. Her eyes darted around trying to find someone, anyone for help. She finally found coffee colored eyes. Minho.

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