🏹 forty-eight

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"are you sure you'll be okay? i don't want you overworking yourself

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"are you sure you'll be okay? i don't want you overworking yourself." jungwon questioned his girlfriend as he observed her collect her hair upwards while helping herself with a brush, concern written all over his features since her doctors told her to rest as much as she could the first week she went back home. yet, she was preparing herself for her ballet class later that evening.

haeun tied her hair into a tight ponytail, twisting her hair around the hair tie to form a bun before placing a hair net over it to keep it in place. "i'll be fine won, if you really check on me you can come pick me up. if by 9.30 pm i'm not out yet that means something happened." the brunette applied some gel on her hands and proceeded to gently slide it over her hair, pinning in her bun a few bobby pins so that nothing would fall off while she was dancing.

"if you say so. just text me if anything happens okay? i'll come over immediately." she stood from her chair and walked over to her bed where he was seated, placing her hands over his broad shoulders before leaning down to peck his lips and being pulled on his lap. "don't worry too much won, i'll be more than okay."

jungwon wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in the crook of her neck leaving sweet kisses on her skin while taking in her soothing vanilla scent and sliding his hands under her sweater just enough to feel the bare skin of her stomach "do you want some cuddles?" haeun didn't even have to think twice about it as she rapidly nodded her head with her usual delicate, small grin spreading on her full lips, latching her arms around his neck before being gently picked up and laid on top of him.

won only held her tighter than before as if she could slip through his fingers, feeling her digits threading through his fluffy chocolate hair whilst she rested her head on his comfortable, solid chest and relaxed herself with the sound of his slow but steady heartbeat.

ever since haeun got discharged from the hospital, jungwon has been extra protective towards her and a lot softer and delicate in his way of speaking or acting. he's been trying to make sure that she was getting enough rest so that her body could heal better, constantly asking her if she slept well, ate all her meals and didn't overwork herself even when they weren't together.

despite his girlfriend telling him she was okay, he couldn't help but worry about her health and her well being, since the doctors told her that she was still frail and she needed to stop any stressful activity like ballet.

"i know you said you'll be fine but, are you really sure that attending your ballet class is a good idea? your body is still in the healing process and i'm just worried that you might wear yourself out." he voiced his concerns regarding her health softly whilst rubbing her back gently through her cardigan, his soft lips meeting her forehead and leaving a tray of sweet kisses. he knows he's insisting a lot about this, but he just wants to make sure she's feeling alright.

he's aware of how the environment in her ballet course is, so he wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that the only reason why she's attending it is because her teacher is gonna get mad if she skips it.

"yes won, i'll be fine. i took my vitamins and i feel good, so i should be able to handle it." the girl reassured her boyfriend, playing around with his soft hair by twisting the longer part on his nape or running it through her fingers as he relaxed under her touch.

truth to be said, she wasn't exactly in the perfect mood to dance restlessly for hours without a break, but her teacher wasn't exactly someone who tollerated a last minute absence like hers would be, so she has no choice but to go.

"fine baby, i'll let you go. but i'll come to pick you up alright? we can go to the cat café like you asked me when you were recovered."

this was supposed to be smut 🏃‍♀️

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this was supposed to be smut 🏃‍♀️

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