🏹 thirty-seven

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"are you going out with jungwon today? i'll go to the train station right after school if yes

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"are you going out with jungwon today? i'll go to the train station right after school if yes." rei questioned haeun who was busy placing her books inside her backpack since the next period was the last one, preparing herself for the date awaiting for her as soon as the school day ended by fixing her make-up in a small mirror she brought in her pouch.

"yeah we're going on a study date, don't tell jiwon." rei pretended to zip her mouth closed as a way to tell her she isn't gonna spill a single thing about this to their supposed-to-be friend.

"your secret is safe with me. you just need to hope jisung won't assault you again." at the simple mention of that pain in the ass named jisung haeun rolled her eyes, closing the lipstick she has tapped on her lips to make herself pretty for her boyfriend before slightly smudging the inner part of her lower lip with her finger.

jisung is probably the most annoying person she ever met after jiwon. he has probably confessed twice to her, just for her to reject him both times with the excuse that she has a boyfriend. the first time it wasn't real, but last week it definely was. and why would she give her cheating ex a second chance anyway?

she is always gonna be grateful for jungwon's existence, especially since thanks to him the bullying stopped completely. the dude and his girlfriend apparently got reported to the principal and received a suspension, but she heard the guy's face was quite swollen after jungwon punched him. she still gets looks from girls whenever she steps into the bathroom, but she's fine with it.

"yeah, he just doesn't get the message. i don't like him, i have a boyfriend too, how many times do i have to tell him? i hope he'll understand i'm not interested today since jungwon is picking me up from school." the japanese girl wiggled her brows at her with a teasing grin on her pink-ish lips, nudging her shoulder softly as the brunette glared at her.

"jungwon is picking you up from school huh?" the girl smiled shyly even if she tried to keep her pointed look on, brushing her lashes with mascara before placing everything back into her make-up pouch since their short break was about to end.

"you're going out with that dude after school? haeun, you have a date with jisung." haeun closed her eyes shut hearing her irritating voice and clicking her tongue in annoyance, plastering a fake smile on her lips and turning around to face jiwon.

"jiwon, i think i made it clear that i am not interested in jisung in any way? especially now that i have a boyfriend." jiwon's brows furrowed slightly as if she was confused over something that haeun told her a hundred million times.

"but he'll be waiting for you after school!"

"i don't care jiwon, i have a boyfriend and even if i didn't, sunoo wouldn't have a single chance—" her sentence was interrupted by the bell indicating that the last period was starting and this was a conversation for later.

"jungwon!" haeun's eyes instantly curved into crescent moons as soon as her eyes landed on his fine countenance, gaze fixated on his screen as he waited for her classes to end so they can go out together.

the girl rushed towards him and linked their arms before planting a kiss on his cheek, feeling him sliding his hand out of his pocket and slide the limb crossed with her around her waist. "let me carry this for you." jungwon noticed the heavy backpack hanging from her back and took if off her figure, sliding it over his shoulder despite haeun telling him she can carry it herself.

"haeun, who is this? i thought we were supposed to go out together?" the smile she usually wears around jungwon faded as soon as his annoying voice called her name out, tearing her gaze away from her boyfriend's bewildered eyes to look at the irritating boy.

"jisung, how many times do i need to reject you for you to understand that i do not like you anymore?" the disbelief written on kwan jisung's features increased, scoffing audibly once won pulled her closer to him by her waist with a deathly glare that was piercing through his soul, yet jisung didn't seem to give it much attention.

"but jiwon told me you wanted to go out with me?" a sigh slipped past her lips as her fingertips found their way to her temples, massaging them in a circular motion with fluttered closed eyes before reopening them to look at him. "you shouldn't always believe what jiwon says."

"who even are you?" the older boy questioned jungwon whose blood was boiling in jealousy at the disgusting way this guy was eyeing his girlfriend up and down. he swears he saw him glancing at her covered chest for a second.

"i'm her boyfriend, what about you? by the way she's treating you, you're definitely not someone she desires to see." the raven tsked at his remark, arrogantly crossing his arms over his chest while a cocky smirk plastered on his lips. who the fuck does this dude think he is? being so fucking bothersome when jungwon was simply here to pick haeun up to go out with her, not to fight with some pervert over his lover.

"i was supposed to be her date, but i guess she changed—"

"listen dude me and my girlfriend have places we need to be at, so if you stopped being a fucking pain in the ass it would be appreciated." with that, jungwon and haeun took their leave from her school before the bothersome boy could say one more word and annoy the both of them further.

"can i tag along?"

guys today at school i worked with clay and it was so much fun but that thing smells like shit and i stained my hoodie+ i got a 9/10 in math without cheating 😨

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guys today at school i worked with clay and it was so much fun but that thing smells like shit and i stained my hoodie
+ i got a 9/10 in math without cheating 😨

𝗖𝗨𝗣𝗜𝗗. jungwonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя