Jonghyun moves away from her as the signal bell of the elevator warns them that they already reach their desired floor. Amira still could not move. Omo? Did he just really kiss me a while ago???

She just stands there. Feeling groggy and disoriented for what had happened. Jonghyun holds her hand. "Ya, let's get outside now. Why are you not moving? People are looking at you." Jonghyun whispers to her.

Amira let him drags her all the way to their classroom. She finally finds her voice when they almost reach their destination. "D—Did you really kiss me?" She whispers to him. Enough for him alone to hear it.

Jonghyun smiles at her sweetly. "What do you think dear? Hmmm, your lips taste strawberry." He whispers it back to her, teasing her.

"Ya! Why you!?" She blushes as she said it. Aigoo! He tasted my lip balm! Hahaha!

Jonghyun laughs at her reaction. "Well, I like it. Can I taste it once more?"

Her eyes widen as he said it. Mwuh? He wants to taste it again? Here?

"Are you out of your mind? Do you plan to make a big news here in the campus?" She said it with a disbelief looks towards Jonghyun.

"Hmmmm..." Jonghyun pouts as he thinks. Aigoo! And he's thinking for it? "Then if not now, then... This afternoon!" Jonghyun happily said as he drags her inside their classroom.

As usual, some of their classmates tease them. And guess what? This puppy enjoys it! Aigoo! What should I do to him now? Ahhhh, he's just joking a while ago right? Right???

Kim Kibum and A

When A reaches the school's gate, she hears her phone beeps for a message.

"Oh? A message early in the morning?"  She said to herself.

Good morning Minnie Mouse. Are you in school now? ^_^

She smiles as she reads Key's message. A is about to reply when someone takes her phone away from her. It is Kyu Bong. Oh? Since when did he learn to come early in school?

"Ya! Give me back my phone!" She yells at him while frowning.

"What if I don't want to? Hmmm, why are you smiling a while ago? Who texted you?" Kyu Bong said as he looks at her phone.

"Ya! It's my personal message! Give it back to me!!!" She tries to catch and get it from Kyu Bong's grip but Kyu Bong is quite taller than her so she can't reach it the moment he raises it in the air.

"Come on, get it! Hahaha!" Kyu Bong said as he laughs.

He punches his chest to show him that she's really pissed off. "You evil! You give it to me!" She yells it to him.

"I'll give it to you if you kiss me first." Kyu Bong said confidently.

"You wish!? I'd rather die than kissing you!" She angrily said it. She throws another punch.

Kyu Bong holds her hand with his free hand. He seems so serious now. A could see madness in his eyes. "You really hate me huh?! To the point that you rather die than kissing me?!" Kyu Bong then tightly holds her hand.

"Aya!" She wails in pain. "Let go of my hand! You're hurting me!" She said with pain in her voice.

She looks around to ask someone for help, but no one is there. Aigoo! Where are the people? Why are they still not here?

A struggles herself to release from his hold, but he's too strong for her to be able to escape. Kyu Bong starts dragging her.

"Ya! Ya! Where are we going?! I said let go of my hand!!!" She shouts again.

"I won't until we reach there." Kyu Bong answers her with seriousness in his voice.

There? Where's that? Aigoo! What does he thinks? Can someone help me?

A feels so nervous and afraid now, she knows Kyu Bong so much. He's a beast when he gets mad. "Heeeellllpppp mmmeeee!" She shouts in a not so loud trembling voice. She hopes someone hears her.

"Let go of her Kyu Bong-ssi." A is relieved when she hears Key's voice. She swears, she could see anger in his eyes.

"What if I don't?" Kyu Bong challenges Key.

"I don't want to pick up a fight with you Kyu Bong-ssi, but I tell you, I'm not an easy competitor. Now, if you see, Min Young's hand starts to get a bruise by that tight hold of yours. Can't you see? She's getting more afraid of you because of what you're doing to her." Key walks towards them and unfasten their now, a bit loosen hands. Key holds her hand. He then takes her phone from Kyu Bong who at that time, remains silent and confused.

"If you don't mind, we need to go now." Key said seriously.

When they walk away, Key never let go of her hand. He suddenly stops when he remembers something. "Gwenchanayo Minnie?" He looks at her hands with concern in his eyes.

She could see the mark of Kyu Bong's hand on her wrist. "Don't worry Kibum-ah, I'm fine now. Gomawo for saving me." She said with a smile.

"I really thought at first that you go with him. I was so jealous. Thanks God you shouted. Everything makes sense. I'm really worried about you. Are you really okay Minnie?" He said while looking at her with a worry face.

"Aigoo, don't worry about me. I'm fine now that you're here. Ya, why would you get jealous with that kind of man huh?" She teases him.

"He's your ex. Your past. While I, I'm just no one." Key says with still that worry face. He looks like he's really insecure.

A smiles. "Ya, who said that you are just a no one to me?"

Key looks at her with a curious look. "Then what am I to you, Minnie?"

"Pimil!" She then gets her phone from Key and walks away. She smiles when she sees him dumbfounded.

"Ya, wait for me! Tell me Minnie!" She hears Key yells at her.

Not now Kibum-ah. Not now coz' I still have to make sure of one thing...

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