I mean, don't get them wrong or anything.

johnny and jaehyun were both well aware that they were nothing but really close friends with benefits for taeyong, and lucas and jungwoo were well aware that doyoung considered them as allies at best.

but none of that knowledge stopped their hearts from shattering bit by bit as they saw the two boys goof around with each other.

"do you think they'd ever get back together?" johnny suddenly questioned as he stole a cigarette from jaehyun's pack.

the four boys were currently off to one side, far away from everyone (and out of hearing range) so that they could smoke in peace, but also watch everything that was going on with sharp eyes. the last thing anyone needed was one of the younger ones pulling a mark and donghyuck and running off into the woods with no knowledge of where they were going.

"I mean...there's a possibility." jaehyun shrugged like he didn't care, but the other three knew he cared. they knew he cared all too well because, although he'd probably never actually admit it, it was clear that he felt something for taeyong and thought of him as more than just a 'fuck buddy.'

same with johnny. anyone could tell the two boys were head over heels for taeyong, and each other (though, again, they'd never really admit anything of the sort because they're cowards 😭💀🤡🙄).

"oh, come on!" jungwoo rolled his eyes as he removed the cigarette butt from between his lips. "taeyong-hyung had mentioned on more than one account that him and doyoung-hyung are nothing more than close besties!"

"best friends. close friends." lucas deadpanned at the older. "hyung would never say 'close besties.'"

jungwoo rolled his eyes, blowing a small cloud of smoke towards lucas. "stop being such a hater."

"okay, but we seriously can't be the only ones who think that they'll pull a sike on everyone and get back together, right?" johnny deadpanned.

jungwoo rolled his eyes again, but there was a cocky grin on his lips. "okay, maybe they will, but what's it to you? I thought the three of you were nothing more than fuck buddies?"

both johnny and jaehyun fell silent, their faces equally heating up as they avoided eye contact with jungwoo.

"exactly." jungwoo scoffed. "why don't you two focus on making sure the two of them don't end up together again, yeah?"

now that surely caught the other three boys' attentions.

"anyone with a brain and a vague idea on how feelings works can tell that taeyong has heart eyes for the both of you." jungwoo rolled his eyes, in disbelief that he had to explain everything to the three of them. "so, what I'm trying to say is, focus on making him like you two more to the point he wants to confess. be yourselves, but be more affectionate. show him more love. spend more time with him and show him you care." jungwoo shrugged. "just...get him away from doyoung, yeah?"

johnny and jaehyun raised an eyebrow each as they cocked their heads to the side.

jungwoo's grin only grew at he looked over at lucas and then down at their hands as he laced their fingers together.

"lucas and I have our own agenda that we're trying to work with that boy." that sentence alone made it clear to johnny and jaehyun what the second youngest of the four meant.

"right, babe?" jungwoo smirked as he looked back up to meet lucas's chocolate brown eyes.

lucas smiled softly as he hummed, placing a soft kiss against jungwoo's temple as he pulled the older closer to him.

"oh! and while you're working taeyong into confessing his not-so-hidden love (the show is so good omg-) for the two of you," jungwoo continued as he turned back to face a very unimpressed johnny and a very bored jaehyun. "maybe also try to work up the courage to just confess to each other? I mean, I'm kind of sick and tired of both of you pretending like you don't have feelings for each other."

jungwoo shrugged before putting out his cigarette and running off somewhere, dragging lucas along with him.

both johnny's and jaehyun's eyes widened with shock as their heads snapped towards each other, but the second they made eye contact, their already red faces flushed even more.

they quickly broke eye contact faster than either of them could breathe, letting the silence take over before they both cleared their throats and walked away in separate directions, almost forgetting to put out their cigarettes before they left (it would've been a literal disaster if they actually had forgotten- help- 😭💀).

well...that was awkward. 🤡


I seriously did not know how to end that- help- 😭💀
also, I bet that you didn't see the fact that lucas and jungwoo were already dating coming, huh? 😏😉 I love plot twists 😜🤪🤩

sorry for not updating as frequently 😭 school has me dying bro 😭 and I mean that literally because who's genius fucking idea was it to set off firecrackers at my school right after someone threatened to sh**t up the school... 😐 these new freshmen showed up and all of a sudden shit starts hitting the fan at my school like wtf...
anywayyyy. guess who got the 1989 taylor's version cardigan?~ 🤭🫶

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