oni vs oni pt:4

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With onyx


Fighting her of man was a challenge considering thier partially matched, it's been 5 minutes and yet they were still going at it fighting to a possible victory.

.start at 6:38 and stop at 7:33, ignore any dialogue or text and enjoy

Completely weak, unable to move, and fell on the floor. Not a single sign of fire or anger in her heart just pain, Her father won, but yet he still didn't get what he came for. At this point all onyx could do was hope he would leave peacefully without putting anyone in harm's way but that was considered a impossibility "you can't keep this up forever you know"

"I-i know, but, I won't let you hurt anyone" she bellowed in a low tone but still loud enough for him to hear. He scoffed and stepped over her and evilly smiled as he made his way to the south side of the palace making her panic but being in this state didn't help her case knowing perfectly well her movements wouldn't be as agile and we'll matched to face her father again, she mustard up all her strength and followed him far behind feeling the large masses of pain all around her jaw and her chest making her just wince with every breath she took hoping her father wouldn't find them in such a small amount of time, hearing loud screams echo around the damaged hallways just made her panic more than before, she couldn't lose anyone else she let into her life. Not Zatz not anyone, after the boneheads death she couldn't imagine what shed do with herself, she made it to the south side and was met with her oni formed father holding his blade close to zatz's neck as he evilly cackled. She then looked over to the side seeing a large pile of weapons and the gods tied up to each other back to back completely panicked seeing another demon that was even more horrifying than the last one they saw "well, welcome to the party onyx! So glad you could join us!" He laughed seeing the horror in her eyes, if she interfered now Zatz would be dead in an instant but if she didn't her father would get the satisfaction of seeing her suffer. If this was all a game to him she was playing it all, this was well planned to get her to go full oni again but he was taking this all to far, beating her in battle, mocking her, and threatening zatz's life, this was all just a nightmare for her. "You were just in time to see your little moon boy get his neck ripped apart-"

"libera a mi hijo inmediatamente! ¡hijo de un demonio sin cerebro!" Camazotz objected practically fuming in anger glaring up at the large oni, in those ropes the gods were considered powerless so even if they could help Demic would just be 2 steps ahead and find another way to keep them harmless and powerless. "Oh hush you tusk faced fish out of water!" He said and looked over to him his dark crimson eyes lightly glowing into the darkness of the large room, it was all interrupted by loud yelling echoing around the room before 4 people busted into the skylight in the room right above the large oni "we are the prophecy!!" The Burnett yelled and raised her sword as they landed right on top of the unsuspecting oni who screamed in surprise and shoved Zatz out of the way and tried to get out of the way himself but got crushed by the base of the skylight instead and crushed him into the hard floor making the light of the sun beam into the room.

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