- Cat Eyes -

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The Beast

The Queen had dragged me into the shower by force.

At first she had me scrubbing in my normal form and then she ordered I transform into my full Beast form so she could.... "shrub every spot."

"Min-Minji, I got it!" I growled out.

She was scrubbing way to hard and yanking on my fur.

"We need to get all the blood off," The Queen glowed her witch eyes at me.

"I got it!" I growled again, snatching the harsh scrubber from her hand.

"Y/n, give it It back!" Queen Minji became upset.

"NO!" I growled in her face.

"Growl at me again. I dare you!" The Queen screamed in my face.

I lowly growled to myself in anger.

"Why can't you just accept that this is who I am?!" I got out of my forced bath and grabbed a towel.

"Because it dangerous!" Minji yelled.

I huffed a bit and decided not to keep bothering with her.

"You never had an issue with it before," I mumbled under my breath.

"Things were better when my side of The Castle was restricted," I added.

Suddenly, Minji got quiet.

"You don't mean that," The Queen lowly responded.

"I do," I coldly answered.

"And now that you've forced me into a bloody bath. Can you at least leave my room so I can change in peace?" I asked in annoyance.

"You know.... I thought we had a really good time in The Kwangya Kingdom," Minji mumbled under her breath.

"I thought so too. Too bad someone had to ruin it," I coldly responded.

I heard a muffled scoff, followed with the sound footsteps exiting my room.

I took a deep breath in frustration and let it out.

I had genuinely had a really good time with Minji on our trip.

It was my first trip outside The Kingdom in a really long time. It was also my very first trip as representative of The Kingdom.

And even though, it was all a big jealousy game.... I had actually had a really enjoyed myself with The Queen.

"Too bad," I sighed to myself as I got dressed.

As I changed, I started to feel uneasy.

Like if someone was watching me.

I finished up what I was doing and took a good long whiff at the scent in the air.

"Got you!" I snickered to myself once I picked up on a particular someone's scent.

Beast In The Castle | Newjeans AUWhere stories live. Discover now