- Death -

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Queen Minji

I freak out as I watched The Beast not move at all.

Suddenly, I heard a loud scream that sounded like Hanni.


I ran out my room not even knowing what to do with The Beast.

Hanni came running up the stairs and hugged. She was shaking in fear.

"It's not real! It's not real!" She kept whispering to herself as held her in my arms.

"Minji?" Hanni suddenly asked.

"Mhm?" I whispered.

"Did you kill Beast unnie?" She asked as she pulled away.

"Y/N!!" The Priest suddenly yelled from behind us and rushed into my room.

"Crap!" I whispered running back into my room.

Hanni followed.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?" The Priest yelled as he tried to give The Beast CPR.

"Priest, she's dead...." Hanni suddenly said.

"No that's not possible!" The Priest yelled back at her.

"Why did you ask if I killed The Beast?" I turned to ask Hanni.

"Because she's standing next me, holding my hand....." She whispered.

The Priest and I turned to look at her in shock.

"What do you mean?!" The Priest came asking in her face.

I stepped in front of him, not appreciating his current demeanor.

"I don't think I can!" Hanni suddenly said.

"I don't even know how to!" She continued on seemingly talking to nobody.

Princess Hanni

The Beast kept pushing me to use my powers, but I didn't know how.

Her ghostly figure reached over to hold both my hands and I turned to face her.

"Can you see her? Are you talking to her?" The Priest suddenly asked.

"Princess, listen. You just have to try.... if it doesn't work then it's okay," The Beast told me trying to explain to me that I could revive her.

"I don't want to find out that I can't," I whispered feeling scared that I'd disappoint her.

"Okay, that's okay. Take your time... if you don't want to It's okay. Just tell The Queen and The Staff to put my body in the coffin in the dungeons," Beast Unnie replied.

It broke my heart hearing her say that.

"But I don't wanna lose you," I whispered back.

Beast unnie just looked at with a light smile then caressed my cheek.

I'm sure in look crazy to both Minji and The Priest, but I didn't care.

I took a deep breath then turned to The Beast lifeless body. I approached it slowly then did as The Beast had explained.

I kneeled down on the floor and placed my hand on her chest. I tried to channel my energy into my hand and before I knew it my hand started to glow.

"Woah!" I thought to myself.

I turned to look at The Beast and she was gone.

Suddenly, The Beast's breathing started to return and she jolted up from the floor coughing.

"Y/N!".... "BEAST!" The Priest and Minji rushed to The Beast's aide.

Minji reached over to touch The Beast and The Beast quickly slapped Minji's hand away.

"You bewitched me!!" The Beast yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Minji responded trying to help Beast unnie get up.

The Beast held her had as if she had a headache.

"Jesus, at least the spell is broken now since I freaking died!" The Beast yelled at Minji.

"That's right. Since you technically die the forever spell broke!" The Priest exclaimed.

"You used a spell from your great-grandmother's book. Didn't you?" The Beast asked.

The Queen

The Beast was angry. She was definitely not bewitched anymore.

"How did you know?" I answered her question.

"All her spells have a several warnings and backfires.... most ending in death. Luckily, our little grime ripper her was able to bring me back!" The Beast exclaimed walking over to pull Hanni into her embrace.

"Grime Ripper?" The Priest asked.

"Yeah, she has a ripper shadow in the dead world," The Beast explained.

"Dead world?" Hanni asked.

"I'll explain later," The Beast answered her placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Your great-grandmother's spell book is very dangerous. That's why I had the staff store away the backfire pages. We can't offer them landing into the wrong hands," The Beas informationed me.

"I don't understand, how did you end up dying?" The Priest asked.

"I don't know," The Beast answered.

"Hanni, Priest... please leave me and y/n to talk," I ordered.

They both left the room and The Beast just stared at me.

"I want to take my place on the throne now," The Beast suddenly said.

"What?!" I exclaimed not expecting to ever really hear those words.

"Your little trick made me realize that I've been hiding my feelings deep down. I want our kingdom to be the best it can be, So I'm willing to meet you all halfway," The Beast explained.

"Okay, yeah..." I said not knowing what to say.

"I only have one condition," The Beast said.

I nodded my head and waited for the next part.

"You stop acting like a jealous girlfriend and let me marry whomever I ended up falling in love with," The Beast said.

I sighed knowing that if I refused then I'd lose my chance to actually get her to fall for me.

"Okay," I answered her.

"Set up the coronation date and let me know once everything has been settled," The Beast ordered then exited my room.








Author's Note:
Who do you think The Beast will end up with? >.<

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