- The Vampire -

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The Beast

Sakura had sat down to read a book with me. We had sat silently reading for quite some time now when she suddenly asked, "Remember when you had a crush on me?"

I snickered and took a deep breath, before meeting her eyes. "That was like a hundred years ago," I sassed her.

"That's not that long ago," She replied playfully rolling her eyes.

"Kkura, if I didn't know any better I'd say your flirting with me," I teased her.

"I'm doing no such thing," She teased back leaning in closer to my face.

Sakura used to be my childhood crush.

Before coming to this kingdom, I spent some time in her's. Back then she was just a princess and a young vampire. She couldn't control her urges so she'd bite me a lot..... something I became fond of.

As kids, her mother used to tell me vampires can't control themselves around someone they like.

I always thought it was just her being hopeful that we'd get together at some point.

"So, how does it feel to be Queen?" I asked Sakura as I leaned in to her face as well.

"It feels the same just more responsibilities," She whispered.

I could fell her words trembling against my lips at this point.

"How does it feel to be king?" She asked in turn.

We both leaned in ever close, our lips were about to touch....

The sudden clearing of a throat took us by surprise and we immediately pulled away from each other.

"Your Highness, The Queen would like to see you in the throne room!" Guard Philip announced.

I was a bit dazed from what was just about to happen with Sakura that I could barely reply.

"Oh umm, yeah okay!" I answered as I closed the book in front of me and got up my seat.

I grabbed Queen Sakura's hand and placed a little kiss on the back of it. "My Queen, I will see you later. Enjoy your stay."

Guard Philip then escorted me to the throne room and I found Queen Minji sitting on her throne not looking very pleased.

"Leave us, please!" Minji ordered Philip and we were left alone to speak.

As soon as the doors close, Minji asked "What the real reason your friends are here?"

"I think you know," I answered her as I walked towards her.

"Marriage prospects?" She asked looking a bit nervous.

Once I reached her throne, I place my hand on each side of the armrests and leaned in to her face.

"Yes," I whispered in her face.

I could see Minji visibly gulp.

I had never tried to flirt with her or tease her before.... but since I'm meant to fall in love... I figured I'd try it for once.

"Why not choose one of us?" She asked making me pull away and raise an eyebrow at her.

Minji didn't seem to like that and cupped my face, pulling me back into my previous position.

"I'm sorry, you told me not to act like a jealous girlfriend," She whispered as she caressed my face.

"Mhm, thank you" I whispered back.

Beast In The Castle | Newjeans AUWhere stories live. Discover now