- First Day -

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Queen Minji

The Beast was still asleep as me and all the girls gathered in the kitchen hall. Our guests started to join us and I started to wonder why y/n wasn't awake yet.

"Where's y/n-ah?" Queen Sakura asked.

"She's probably still asleep, I will go fetch her!" I answered her as I got up from my seat.

I made my way to Y/n's new room and noticed she was still asleep.

It was almost 10:00am, which was weird. Y/n usually was up by 9:00am.

I shook snoring Beast a bit and whispered in her ear, "Wakey Wakey!"

The Beast groaned then pushed me away, not lifting her head off the bed.

"5 more minutes!" She groaned.

"Y/n come on, your guests are waiting!" I shook her again.

"Let them!" She groaned back.

"Y/n, look at me" I said softly.

The Beast groaned again before shifting her head against the bed to look at me.

"Good girl!" I praised her as I patted her head.

Y/n groaned again and turned back around, saying "Don't do that. I'm not a dog!"

The Beast was complaining, but I knew she secretly loved it.

"Come on, Y/n! Be a good girl and get up. Your guests are waiting," I told her trying to tease her.

"Stop it!" The Beast complained.

"Come on, you know you like. You like being a good girl!" I continued to tease her.

"If I get up will you shut up?" Y/n asked getting annoyed.

I laughed and answered, "Yes!"

The Beast got up from bed and I cupped her face to cooe at her, "Good, Little Beast!"

"Miiinnnjiiiii!!" Y/n whined making me giggle.

"Show me your fangs," I requested.

The Beast flashed her fangs at me, making me blush.

"Good girl!" I praised her.

Y/n-ah then abruptly kissed my lips, making me freeze.

"Good, you shut up!" The Beast said then got off the bed.

The Beast

Minji was right. I did like it when she praised me.... but only at certain time.

I got up to brush my teeth and change, as Minji just sat there with that stupid face she gets on her face when someone unexpectedly kisses her.

"You ready?" I asked her.

Minji shook her head and got up from the bed.

"Yeah," She replied.

We made our way to the kitchen hall and I was greeted by everyone at the table.

"The Beast takes the throne and all of a sudden turns lazy!" Soobin joked.

"Hey, cut me some slack. It's my first day on the job!" I responded.

The Castle staff soon served our food. We all ate our breakfast as the girls got to know a bit more about my friends.

"So, since y/n-ei took the throne does that mean you two are married?" Sakura suddenly asked.

"Actually, The Beast gets to choose whomever she wants to marry!" Minji answered her making the whole table go quiet.

"She does?" Princess Danielle suddenly asked.

"Yes," Minji answered her.

"Well that's good!" Soobin said winking at me.

I giggled a bit, feeling a little flustered then noticed Kazuha rest her hand on my thigh under the table.

"Are you thinking of getting married?" Sakura followed up.

"I think I'd have to fall in love flirst!" I answered her.

Winter cleared her throat looking a bit jealous and I looked down at my food to avoid looking at anyone.

We finished breakfast and everyone refused to leave the table. I found it odd so I got off my chair. Everyone suddenly stood up.

"Well that's creepy!" I mumbled.

"It's royal etiquette. If you're seating at the table we all have to wait for you to leave the table. If you're not present then everyone has to wait for me to leave the table!" Minji explained.

"I've never done that!" I answered her looking at her a bit confused.

"That's 'cus you're a special case," Minji answered.

"Okkkaayy, anywayyy. If anyone needs me.... I'll be in the library!" I informed the table then retreated to the library.

I sat down on the desk in the library and began to re-read all the royal books in the library.

I had read those books about a dozen times, but I figured I'd refresh my memory a bit.

"You've spent so much time in this Kingdom, I'd think you would have read all these books by now!" I suddenly heard someone say.

I lifted my head up from the book, to find Sakura making her way towards me.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked.

"Not at all!"









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