- The Queen -

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The Beast

I was still deciding if I wanted to attend the coronation.

I used up as much strength as I could to heal up the scratches on my back, so I could wear my dress if I decided to go.

I took to my balcony to get fresh air. I noticed the kingdom was already starting to gather around at the front gate.

"This is going to be a long day," I sighed to myself

I was about to return to my room when I caught two figures running on the side of the castle.

"Fuck!" I thought to myself as I ran out my room and down the hall.

I caught sight of 3 other figures sneaking into through one of the windows of the castle and I ran to Princess Minji's room.

She wasn't there.

"Goddammit, Princess. Where did you go?" I whispered under my breath.

I ran down the stairs to the first floor looking for the other Princesses.

"Let The Kingdom In!" I heard Princess Minji ordered, but I couldn't tell where hear voice was coming from.

Suddenly, the big front doors to castle opened and I saw all the princesses gathered in pairs from the bridge to the front door.

"Dammit, Minji! Where the hell are you?!" I thought to myself practically running around the castle.

"The queen's quaters!" I thought then ran into the coronation room and into the secret room in the back.

"Beast!" Princess Minji exclaimed at the sight of me.

"You came!" She added and approached me for a hug.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Your Majesty!" I lied as I hugged her back.

"Good. It wouldn't be a special day without you. After all, You are a princess of this Kingdom as well!" She said caressing my hand.

"Your Highness, I need to tell you something. May I?" I asked Princess Minji as I gave her a slight bow.

"Of course, anything!" She answered with a sweet smile.

I approached her and whispered something in her ear.

Princess Minji gulped a bit before saying, "You have my permission."

"Shall we go greet The Kingdom?" She asked.

I nodded and extended my arm for her to hold.

"Is your mask comfortable?" She asked as we walked in synch out the queen's quarters.

"Yes, thank you for the wonderful gifts. My queen," I answered her.

"Please stop being so formal," She scoffed.

We were about to make our way around the thrown when one of The Alpha's thugs dropped from the ceiling.

"Hello, your Highness!" He exclaimed with a slobbery mouth.

I pulled Princess Minji behind me and she held onto my hand tightly.

"Oh we have a brave little princess here!" He mocked.

I took my mask of and he's face dropped at the sight of me.

Meanwhile, the future queen was taking the rings of my claws.

Beast In The Castle | Newjeans AUWhere stories live. Discover now