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The Beast

"This way!" Guard Philip yelled leading The Queen and Princesses into the hidden tunnels of the castle.

"I knew this would happen!" I thought to myself as I carried Princesses Hyein in my arms to follow everyone else.

My ears perked up when I suddenly hear Princess Hanni whisper, "Shut Up", to herself.

I turned to look at her and she acted like nothing, so I just ignored it.

The tunnels are another well kept secret of the kingdom. Only a select few... the most loyal to the kingdom knew of their existence.

Along with Princesses Haerin, who had accidentally stumbled on them when I left a door open once.

I nearly killed her that day when she walked into the underground Royal Beast quarters.

"Dammit, it's been so long since I've been here. I don't know which way it is!" Guard Philip yelled when we came to a fork.

"This way," Princesses Haerin calmly said starting to walk in the direction she had pointed.

"Are you sure?" The Priest asked her.

"Trust her, she's spent most of her life playing in these tunnels" I answered him a serious tone... a bit offended that he would question a royalty.


The tunnels ends suddenly sealed shut.

"They got in," Guard Philip whispered.

"Now what?" The Priest asked in frustration.

"This way," Princess Hanni said touching the nose a gargoyle statue.

A hidden door opened and a hole new tunnel I never even knew about showed itself.

Me and Princess Haerin looked at each other confused.

"That's weird.... Hanni has never been in these tunnel.... ever in her life," I thought to myself feeling a bit weirded out.

Guard Philip took the lead as the rest of us followed.

Sure enough, the tunnel led to the underground Royal Beast quarters.

Sure enough, the tunnel led to the underground Royal Beast quarters

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