Final chapter. {future.}

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Ok ok, now this story ended a while ago. However, as I've mentioned I wanted to do a catch up chapter! And here it is!

Hope you enjoy lovelies!

CW: small mention of SH! No gore just a brief mention!

4 years had passed since cup had got down on one knee for the love of his life, bendy. And he said yes. A year after they had gotten married and had a beautiful ceremony in the same forest Cup had proposed in. They live in a rather beautiful house near the school they first crossed paths.

Mug went on to be a prize winning author, his books were loved by all and in total he published 4 books. Boris went on to move to a new city to study mechanical engineering, however he still visits frequently, how could he not?. And angel, she still lives with mugs and works in her fathers casino conning people out of their last dime and being the older sister mug never had.

Things had never been better. Despite all the horrendous shit they went through, from kidnapping to assault, bullying and self harm. They were still strong as ever. And in a way, I guess you could call the group.

Soulmates~ .

Bendy's pov

The sound of my alarm clock always pissed me off, especially since cup sets them on Saturdays for some reason. Groaning, I reluctantly woke up to turn the alarm clock off when I noticed I was in the tight embrace of my husband.

He tended to fall asleep giving me bear hugs, no wonder I was always suffocating in the middle of the night.

I carefully slid out from his arms and turned the alarm clock off, till I realised what day it was. It was Saturday! Not just any Saturday! The Saturday Boris was visiting!

Bendy: "Cup! Cup wake up!"

I attempted to nudge him, but he wouldn't budge. Frustrated, I picked up my pillow and hit him in the face with it, making him jolt awake.

Cup: "Ay what's the big idea babe?!."

He hissed with a yawn, snatching the pillow from me and throwing it at me, causing me to fall on my ass on the bed.

Bendy: "It's Saturday!"

A brief silence.

Cup: "... so?"

Bendy: "The Saturday boris is coming to visit!"

Another brief silence.

Cup: " ........... soo?..."

Bendy: "Just get your ass up and get Dr-"

Cup: "no, I need my beauty sleep"

And just like that he turned away from me, laying back down. Gritting my teeth I grabbed the handle on the back of his head and attempted to pull him out of bed.

Cup: "Hey hey hey!"

We were both laughing as I nearly managed to get him off the bed, till he spun around and grabbed me, holding me tight in his arms as we both laughed.

Cup: "Regretting what you didddd?~" He chucked

Bendy: "Nope!" I mused, snickering.

Cup laughed and tossed me down on the bed.

Bendy: "Hey! This isn't fair you're like six foot!"

Cup: "And you're like 4 foot."

He mused before running out the room.

Two hearts without a whole (bendystraw) !!COMPLETE!!Where stories live. Discover now