Chapter 23 {the end}

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(This will probably be my last chapter!! I'm running out of ideas! But I will most likely write more stories soon!! Anyway enjoy this last chap!!)

                             •Cuphead's pov•

The nurses said I could be released today, I had been awake for around a month now and I had thankfully healed, I asked them not to tell anyone because I wanted to surprise them that I was walking fine again.

I decided to walk because I didn't have money on me for the bus and I didn't trust myself driving, I also heard good news the fanny, dovil and brute had be caught and taken back to prison, so I was fine walking around by myself.

It was a decently long walk but because the hospital wasn't to far from mugs and angel's house it was only like a 30 minute walk.

When I turned the corner I actually saw everyone sitting outside, bendy and Boris seemed to be looking at could shapes, mug was just walking outside and angel was sketching.

They didn't notice me at first since they were all busy laughing and joking, having a good time, and I was relieved they weren't letting my dumbass getting into a coma affect their focal life.

-Cup: "Lovely day isn't it."

-Mugs: "Yeah bro! It reall- CUP?!"

I snickered, mugs jumped up and ran Over to hug me, it kinda hurt when he did that but I didn't care.

Angel joined the hug and after he had our little hug session they backed up and I saw bendy jump into my arms and hug me the tightest I think I've ever been hugged.

I of corse hugged him back and it felt so happy to be this close to him again.

                                  •time skip•

I was sitting in my room thinking, I had been wanting to do something for a while now. I didn't know if I should actually do it cause I didn't want to embarrass myself or put bendy on the spot.

We had been together for a good few years now so I thought it was the perfect time, I called angel and asked her about the entire thing.

———on call———

-Angel: "Hey cup! What's up? Heh that rimed" she snickered

-Cup: "I'm quite stressed about something and I was to know your opinion on it.."

-Angel: "well go ahead cup."

-Cup: "I've been thinking of.. well.."

-Angel: "You can tell me anything don't stress!"

-Cup: "I've been thinking of asking bendy to marry me.. but do you think he will want to..?"

-Angel: "Shoot your shot! I'm sure he will!"

-Cup: "thanks angel.. it means a lot!"

-Angel: "Anytime!"

-cup: "Also, don't tell anyone about me planning to purpose, I'll plan something where they see me do it."

-Angel: "Ok! Can't wait!"

———off the phone———

Angel was right, I should just have faith and shoot my shot.

I'm going to do it. Tonight.

                              •bendy's POV•

Cup had invited me, Angel, Boris and mug out to some cute little forest, it was known to be really beautiful, with fireflies and blossom trees, it was also very romantic, so I was exited.

I got dressed and sit all the basic shit, I then walked outside and waited for cup to pick me up. I saw angel drive up and I thought she decided to drive since no one trusted cup yet with driving.

I snickered at the thought and got in next to cup, he was in the middle and mug was the other side of him by the window, and Boris was in the front.

We drove for quite a while, but luckily cuphead made the ride less boring, he was cracking jokes left, right and centre and he was honestly one of the funniest people I've ever met.

-Mug: "Hey cup?"

-Cup: "Yeah bro?"

-Mug: "Why are you taking us here anyway?"

Cup stumbled on his words till angel stepped it.

-Angel: "We we're talking on the phone on how he wanted to do something nice for us, and he wanted to do something we would all enjoy, so he knew me and bendy would like the pretty scenery for art purposes and Boris and mug would enjoy chasing fire flies and the cherry blossom trees!"

It seemed weird cup couldn't answer and I wondered what he had in mind, I brushed it off and continued being exited about the trip, but that thought stayed in my mind and it was starting to really confuse me.

We had finally arrived and we got out the car, it was normally quite busy but their wasn't a singe car in sight witch made us even more giddy and exited, we walked around taking in the scenery, angel was sketching some things and I was talking pictures of trees and fire flies, this would be amazing for my finals.

The fire flies were flying around and it was so pretty, there was a big lake in the middle of the forest that had a bridge over it, I walked over to the middle of it and was looking down at the crystal clear lake, it was so pretty and had blossom petals floating in it and the mood reflecting off it.

I heard cup whisper something to angel and she want over to mug and Boris, I was so confused but I was to taken it by the lakes beauty to care, I was lost in thought till I saw a tall shadow , I turned my head to see cup, he was smiling but looked stressed as shit.

-Bendy: "Hey luv! Anything wrong?"

-Cup: "I need to ask you something."

He took both of my hands in and held them, I felt myself heat up and I nodded for him to continue.

-Cup: "Bendy, you are the most amazing person I've ever met, your kind, fun, sweet and funny, I could go on for days listing everything I love about you."

I was so confused till he took his hands away from mine and put his hand in his pocket.

-Cup: "And.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

It hit me what he might be doing and I felt myself heat up more, was he going to?-

I couldn't even finish my thought till he pulled something out his bag and got on one Knee, I knew it now.

He was purposing me.

-Cup: "Bendy.. will you-"

-bendy: "YES YES YES!"

I threw my arms around him pulling him into a kiss.

-Bendy: "SORRY SORRY! I didn't even let you finish, I'm just so happy!"

Cup smiled and took my hand, putting the ring on my finger.

I looked over and the others who were so confused, Angel had a smirk on her face so she must of known the entire time.

Cup pulled me into another kiss and I happily accepted, I was so happy. This was the best day of my life.

                                  •time skip•

I was telling mum how me and cup were getting married and she was basically sobbing, she hugged cup catching him off guard and all I could do is smile and snicker.

I knew it now, I knew what I wanted.. i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

my cuphead~

( THANK YOU ALL FOR READING MY STORY! I hope you all enjoyed this! It's sad to be ending it as I really enjoyed making it! Anyway take care lovelies!! <33)

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