Chapter 12 {defensive}

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•bendy's pov•

Me, Boris, mugs and cuphead were walking to school, we had just gotten off the bus and we were walking the rest of the way, when we arrived angel ran up to cup all worried.

-Angel: CUP! Where have you been?! Your stepdad came knocking on my door asking were you was! He was really worried! Why did you run away! Where have you been! Why didn't you tell m-" she was cut off by cup

-Cup: "Dont worry angel I'm fine! And I'll explain why I ran off later! You can't tell him where I am though ok.." his voice went from Soft to stern

-Angel: "Ok.. where have you been staying though?"

-Cup: "we're staying at bendy and boris's house" he smiled

Angel: "Ohhh ok~"

Angel obviously said it like that to tease me and cup, but little did she know we were actually together, I snickered and so did cup and we continued walking to class
•Time Skip•

When I went to my locker after second lesson I saw there was a note in it, from cuphead?

-Dear bendy

Please meet me Behind the school at lunch, I have something important I'd like to discuss with you~

-from cup.

The letter was written with a flirtatious tone, I felt my face heat up as I walked outside and behind the school.

A few good minutes passed and I realised no one was around, not cup, not angel, no one. It was rather quiet behind the school and I got quite anxious, was cups going to play a prank on me? No he wouldn't.. would he?

-???: "Bendy?~" I heard a voice from behind a tree say

-bendy: "Cup? Is that you? This isn't funny! Why did you tell me to come here"

I heard another voice laughing from a different tree and I gulped, I thought it was angel and cup messing with me but when the people stepped out from behind the trees, oh no.. it was Cagney and Djimmi..

-Cagney: "Aww you really thought your cuppy would be here didn't you" he snickered and walked towards me.

I took a few steps back before my back was pressed up against the school building

-Bendy: "what do you want?!" I roared, surprising Cagney, before he smirked

-Djimmi: "We want to teach you a lesson we should of ever since you moved here."

Djimmi grabbed me by my collar of my shirt and picked me up, it was becoming hard to breathe with the pressure on my neck.

-Cagney: "good Djimmi. You hold him, and I'll beat the gay out him."

I closed my eyes getting ready to be beaten up, all this because I liked men? Bullshit.

-???: "GET YOUR FILTHY ASS HANDS OFF MY BENDY!" A voice yelled from beside us.

I opened my eyes and looked to see who it was. It was Cup! Did he say my bendy? God I love him.

-Djimmi: "Aww look it's your little fag boyfriend"

Two hearts without a whole (bendystraw) !!COMPLETE!!Where stories live. Discover now