Chapter 18 {here comes trouble}

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•bendy's pov•

I was at collage, I loved it here, we learned so much about art and it's history, different techniques and designs.

Angel would regularly check in on me at my dorm as well, it was so cool having her as out principle, the only downside is that I had to leave Boris and mum, but at least they had each other and Boris always came to visit even though it was a good couple of hours to get here.

The collage angel had found for Boris wasn't even far away from the house so Boris wouldn't have to move out and leave mum by herself!

Me and cup's relationship was going well to! We would always meet up at his house to watch movies and shit, he had a nice house since working at the devil's casino must pay him well, he had a cat now that I absolutely adored, his name was jackpot and he was the cutest little thing, kinda reminded me of felix, one of my friends from school.

I was walking back to my dorm after staying in the art room for a few good hours after school was over, due to the fact it was winter it was quite dark, it was cold to so I could see my breath in the air.

I had a large scarf wrapped around my neck and a big jacket on so I wouldn't catch a cold, I loved this scarf because cup had given it to me when we were walking back from a café on a cold night.

Whilst I was walking something caught my eye, I looked over to see what it was and I swear it was fanny, she was standing in a dark alley way watching me with a smirk on her face.

-Angel: "Hey bendy? You ok there"

I quickly spun around to see Angel, she was in boots, tights, a dress and she had a coffee in hand, she was always dressed to perfection even on cold days like this, well she is a arctic fox so her fluffy fur is built for the cold.

I looked back behind me to were fanny was standing and she was gone? It must of just been my imagination, my anxiety getting the better of me.

-Angel: "Are you ok? You seem stressed? Is someone following you?"

Shit yeah I forgot Angel spoke to me.

-Bendy: "Oh! Uh- heh.. I'm fine! I'm just feeling a little anxious cause it's really dark!"

-Angel: "I'll walk you back to your dorm, don't worry" She smiled

-Bendy: "Wait why are you here at sundown?"

-Angel: "I do own the place Yeno, I have to keep the place in tact, deal with the kids in detention, I have meetings, test papers to sign, extra lessons for the kids who are struggling and so much more. Anyway why are you here?" She smirked

-Bendy: "I was just finishing a piece for my textiles study!"

-Angel: "Ahh ok, anyway it's getting cold, let's get you to your dorm before you freeze"

I nodded and she walked me to my dorm, I could tell she was nervous by the way I acted before, she was on edge and had her claws showing, just incase anything jumped out at us, her ears were high in the air to hear anything, arctic foxes have amazing hearing.

I held her hand in a way to calm her, she looked at me with a smile and I could tell she was more calm, Angel really felt like a big sister to me, the protective, bad ass, pretty and bubbly older sister I never had but look up to.

We arrived at my dorm and we said our goodbyes, I noticed for some reason the window was open, I walked over to close it and didn't think much of it before I heard a creek on the floorboard behind me, I spun around and was face to face with fanny, she was dressed in all black and had a mask on to cover mouth, only her eyes were showing, I knew it was her though. By the big ears that I could see tucked into her hood.

-Fanny: "Well. Well. Well. Hello bendy." She snickered

-Bendy: "Hello fanny. Why are you even here. Didn't Angel teach you a lesson when she knocked your ass out!?" I returned the snicker and I saw her eyes fill with fury

She took a step towards me and I took one back, I couldn't really move any more backwards cause the wall was pressed up against my back.

-Fanny: "Well your little angel wont be able to help you now will she?"

I pulled out my phone to quickly text angel because she couldn't be to far away, fanny ran at me causing me to yell in hope someone would hear, I fell to the floor knocking over a coffee table and she fell on top of me, covering my mouth with something, i fought but nothing would work, I felt myself passing out, before I could pass out I heard my phone ringing, I looked over and saw cup was calling me, I had dropped my phone when fanny tackled me to the floor so I couldn't answer..

"I'm sorry cup. I wasn't strong enough. I love you" I thought before everything went dark, I had passed out
•Cuphead's pov•

Last night I had called bendy but he hadn't picked up, it was early but I assumed he had just fallen asleep early, I called angel to ask how he was but she said said he hadn't came in today, we were both abit nervous and decided at the end of the collage day we wouldn't go find him.

Once the collage day was over me and angel went down to bendy's dorm and knocked, but for some reason the door opened, did bendy forget to lock it? That's strange.

We walked in and gasped, we saw bendy's phone on the ground, with a big crack on it like it had fallen, and a small coffee table on the ground and broken in two, like it had been broken in a struggle. We instantly knew this meant bad news.

-Angel: "I knew something was up.."

-Cup: "What do you mean?"

Angel looked at me with pure fear yet fury in her eyes

-Angel: "Bendy was acting weird after collage yesterday, he was looking around weirdly and seemed to be freaked out when I saw him, I asked if he was ok but he just got scared and turned to look at me, then went back to looking around."

-Cup: "Ill call Boris and mug, you check the security cameras, you own the place after all"

-Angel: "Will do, stay here and make sure to be alert, incase the bastard who hurt bendy comes back for you, call the boys and I'll go to my office and get the security footage"

I nodded and angel ran out, I picked up my phone with a shaky hand, I felt tears running down my cheeks, I should of been their him, I should of came over when he didn't answer my call, maybe I could of protect him..

I called Boris first, he was his brother after all.

After a few rings he picked up

-Boris: "Hey cup! What's up?"

-Cup: "We've got trouble.."

-Boris: "What? What kind of trouble.."

I was silent for a second.

-Cup: "Bendy's been taken.."

(1250 words!! I enjoyed writing This chap!! Anyway take care lovelies!! <33)

Two hearts without a whole (bendystraw) !!COMPLETE!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora