Chapter 19 {we're going to find him}

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                               •Cuphead's pov•

Boris and Mugs arrived shortly after I called them, we were looking around for possible clues when angel came back with the security footage, we saw around 3 people following bendy and angel as they walked back to his dorm, they somehow knew bendy's dorm and one of them used rope to climb up to his window and open it with some sort of crowbar, then a few minutes later after angel left bendy's door opened and someone in all black, with a hood up and a mask was carrying bendy's emotionless body out his room, we could see he was still breathing so he was alive, just passed out. The people all got into a van and drive off quickly.

We looked around but saw no clues at all, I felt myself starting to panic even more but mugs kept me calm, Boris was also really stressed out so mugs sat on the couch with him, I walked over to angel.

-Cup: "What do we do?.."

-Angel: "I think I know who I need to get in contact with.."

I was confused as she picked up a phone and started calling someone, how dose angel have so many connections? Whatever hopefully this person could help us.

-Angel: "Hey it's been a while, I need your help."

-???: "What do you need help with?" The person on the phone asked.

-Angel: "One of my friends has been kidnapped, I need you help in finding him, you knew him in highschool"

-???: "Who?"

-Angel: "Bendy.."

-???: "Ill be over as soon as possible, what's your location?"

-Angel: "my collage, boys dorms, dorm number 103."

-???: "Thanks Angel, I'll be right round"

-Angel: "Thank you su much."

The call ended and she took a sigh and sat next to Boris, boris was in tears and she took him in her arms comforting him, I sat down next to Angel and leaned on her shoulder, I was so tired yet angry, why would anyone kidnap him? Who didn't like him? He was so amazing. I swear on my life. I'll kill who ever did this to him.
                             •Short time skip•

After a short while we heard a knock on the door, angel got up and went to answer it, by my surprise it was felix, one of bendy's old friends, apparently felix had became an author and detective.

-Felix: "Hey angel, I came as quick as I could."

-Angel: "Thank you for coming on such short notice"

We explained everything that happened and showed him the security video, he was able to enhance the clip to make it brighter and we saw the licence plate number.

-Felix: "We've got a lead"

He pulled out his laptop and messed around on it for a few seconds till he showed us the screen, apparently the van belonged to some guy called Brute, he was a big wolf, wait..

-Cup: "I swear Fanny mentioned to me about having an ex with that exact name"

-Angel: "I swear if that rabbit bitch has hurt bendy I'll rip her ears off"

-Felix: "I can track where the van was taken"

We went back to doing something on his laptop before standing up and telling us to follow him, we all did without question and got into his car, it was decently big so it fit us all in easily.

-Felix: "now let me just put the address into the gps"

He put the address in and began driving.

-Boris: "How long is the drive?"

-Felix: "About an hour, who ever took him must really want us not to find them"

We all sighed. I'm sorry bendy. I wasn't there to protect you. I'm coming for you my love.
                               •Bendy's pov•

I woke up in a decent amount of pain, my back and head were killing me, I was tied to a chair with chains on my wrists and legs, so escape wasn't really an option, I struggled and struggled but just couldn't get free, the chains didn't even get looser at all, they had small spikes on some parts witch made it painful to move as they dug into my legs and arms, I groaned in pain as I took in my surroundings.

I was in a dark basement, leaky pipes and grey brick walls, the mass had moss and mold all over them, it smelled horrible down here.

I tried to remember what happened, I had been walking back from collage when I saw someone, then angel found me and we walked together, then when I got into my dorm I was attacked by fanny.

I could hear voices upstairs and walking around, I struggled for a little while longer before I gave up, I didn't have the physical or mental strength to keep struggling, I sighed as I leaned my head back on the horrible uncomfortable chair.

I could feel myself dozing off again when I heard a door fly open and people coming downstairs to the basement, I panicked and pretended to be asleep.

I could hear people enter the room but didn't open my eyes to find out who.

-Fanny: "We know you awake genius, we heard the chains, you move to much" she snickered and her friend laughed.

I grunted and opened my eyes to face them, I could see now, it was fanny, dovil, and some big wolf looking guy, he looked like he could kill me easily and I gulped, making him laugh

Brute: "I can see I scare ya kid, I'm Brute, and good thing your scared, cause this using even the beginning on what we're planning to do to you."

They all laughed like psychopaths making a shiver go down my spine..

-Bendy: "Why?.. why are you doing this!"

-Dovil: "Because you broke my heart! Stole the love of my best friend's life! And you piss me off.." she roared, making me jump slightly in my seat.

-Bendy: "Please just let me go! I'll leave cup! I swear! I wont even look at hi-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence before brute grabbed me by the neck and screamed

-Brute: "SILENCE!"

I whined in pain and he let go off my neck.

-Fanny: "We're going to make you regret ever playing with our feelings!"

-Bendy: "I'm sure cup and angel are already ok their way to kick your ass again!"

-Dovil: "your little angel wont get away with hurting fanny again."

I gasped as fanny pulled out a large gun, all three of them laughed and left.

Please be safe guys..

(1090 words!!! Take care lovelies! Sorry this outro bullshit is kinda rushed! <33 )

Two hearts without a whole (bendystraw) !!COMPLETE!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat