Chapter 3 {more friends!}

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                               •no one's POV•

Bendy and angel had a lot of fun in art, they talked, drew, told a lot of jokes and laughed, bendy was really happy to have a friend here so quickly, but sadly she wasn't in his next class.

The bell had rung meaning it was time for break, the two had went and sat at one of the tables in the cafeteria, bendy noticed cup and his friends giving him death glares, he ignored them as he knew they wouldn't make a move as long as he was with angel.

Angel and bendy got along really well, they had a passion for almost everything, they both loved art, singing, reading and especially bacon.

The bell had rung again meaning it was time to start walking to next lesson, bendy and angel said their goodbyes and walked separate ways, he was anxious cup was going to bother him again, but when he arrived at class he noticed cup was nowhere in sight, he let out a sigh of relief and entered the classroom
                               •bendy's POV•

Once I had told the teacher I was a new student, he instructed for me to find an empty seat anywhere, I nodded and glanced around the class, spotting an empty seat next to one of the mice from earlier, I sat next to him and he looked at me and smiled.

-???: "Hya pall! Your the new kid correct?"

-bendy: "oh Um yeah! Im bendy!"

-mickey: "nice to meet ya! Im Mickey!"

He seemed very friendly, I felt relieved he wasn't going to pick on me like cup did.

We had small talk throughout the lesson and I was glad to have a new friend!

                               •cups POV•


I was in the bathrooms smoking, my teacher had let me go the bathroom so I took the chance while I could, I didn't care someone could walk in and see me, If they told anyone i would beat them black and blue, I was just finishing up and putting my cigarette in the bin, when I heard the door open, I looked over my shoulder to see Angel (these bathrooms allow any gender inside, like the ones in my school)

-angel: "knew I'd find you in here smoking, cup we need to talk." Her voice was stern, I grunted and looked over at her

-cup: "is this about the nerd who you defended earlier"

-angel: "no shit of corse it's going to be about the kid, you need to leave him be. I don't want to argue with you."

-cup: "you don't have to argue with me! You need to chose! Me or the freak!"

Angel growled at me, baring her teeth, I knew right then I shouldn't of said that.

-angel: "are you seriously going to make me chose between my friends!"

-cup: "oh so he's your friend now?"

-angel: "yes in fact he is! And dare I say me might be a better friend that you! He's nice! Sweet! Interesting! And I know he wouldn't force me to chose between him and you! You don't own me cup! I can be friends with other people! And if your going to be like this maybe we shouldn't be friends!.."

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