Chapter 14 {a new chapter}

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•bendy's pov•

A good few years had passed since the others moved away, I missed them a lot but time did it job and the pain faded along the years, boris and I had graduated school and were planning on going to collage, he wanted to do design and technology, I wanted to do art.

I had also gotten into a relationship, with a kind nurse girl I met when I went in to get a blood test, her name was Dovil and she was a kind yellow bird, I wanted to start dating girls again to ignore the fact I fell in love with a boy. But I still feel like girls just aren't my type..

-Dovil: "Babe? Are you ok? You seem to be lost in thought."

Shit I had zoned out again

-Bendy: "Oh yeah! Sorry I just zoned out!" I smiled

She returned the smile

-Dovil: "Ok hun! Well I've got to go to work now! Drop in and see me in a bit"

She kissed me on the cheek and left, she was such a kind amazing girl.

I finished me drink and also left, we had met up in a café for breakfast like we usually do on Monday mornings.

I was walking home when I saw fanny! She was a friend of Dovil but didn't like me very much.. she had a bad feeling about me for some reason? Maybe she was just defensive of Dovil cause she didn't know me much.

-Bendy: "Hey fanny! Going to work?"

-Fanny: "Mhm. Where's Dovil? She's usually with you."

-Bendy: "She just walked to work!"

-Fanny: "thanks short stuff" she snickered as she walked off

Great another short joke, whatever I get them a lot, I'm used to them.

As I was walking about I saw a poster, Mickey and the gang were preforming here?! Mickey did tell me how we wanted to entertain kids when we were little, im glad he's living out his dream!

I took a photo and sent it to Boris, he seemed extremely exited, when I asked why he said it's because he had been watching Mickey preform on tv and wanted to see them In person.

I agreed to take him to see it and he was more than exited.
   •time skip•

It was the day of mickey's Show, me and Boris got dressed and I texted Dovil to let her know I won't be active online today, Since Boris was old enough now he ended up buying a car a few months back so that was a easy way to get there. We wouldn't have to pay for the bus. I would drive but I can't reach the breaks.

We drove for around 20 minutes before arriving, it was really busy wich didn't surprise me, everyone was gathered around Mickey trying to get an autograph, when he saw me he picked through the crowd to greet me, we used to be the same size but he was much taller now.

-Mickey: "Hey bendy! I haven't seen you in years! How's it been?"

-Bendy: "Good! I'm happy to see your living out your dream of entertaining kids!"

-Boris: "You two went to highschool together?!" He smiled with his tail wagging.

-Mickey: "Sure did! You a fan?" He smiled and handed Boris a poster of the gang with mickeys signature

Boris looked like he was about to pass out from joy and all I could do was laugh.

-Mickey: "would you two like to come up back stage and get a better view? It's the least I can do for friends!"

-Boris: "I WOULD- I mean- I would love to!" He laughed nervously and me and Mickey chuckled.

-Mickey: "Follow me you two!"

He led us backstage, I saw my old friend group there! Oswald, Donald, goofy and Minnie! Oswald seemed to have a girlfriend to! She kinda looked like felix just feminine.

-Mickey: "You all remember bendy right! And this is his little brother.. uh what's your name?"

-Boris: "Oh! I-I'm Boris!" He smiled

- Mickey: "Nice name Boris!"

They all greeted me and Boris and their time came to preform up stage, we sat down to watch, Boris was beyond happy and it made me smile.

-Boris: "Can you believe it! Mickey called my name nice! The one and only Mickey Mouse! And you went to high school with him! That's amazing!"

-Bendy: "I know! It's so cool knowing my childhood friend is still an amazing and talented person!"
  •time skip•

The performance had ended and me and Boris were saying goodbye to Mickey and the gang when I got a notification on my phone!

When I checked it was the Art collage I had signed up for! They loved my work and wanted me to meet the Principal! I was so exited that when we got back in the car I basically freaked out with pure joy.

Boris drove me to the meeting and said he would wait outside for me, I walked in and it was quite empty, I walked to the front desk and showed them the email from the school, they gave me a little map to the office of the principle and I took it with a smile.

It took me a little while to find the office as the collage was absolutely huge, but I found it eventually, I knocked and heard a soft female voice say:

-???: "Come in!"

The voice sounded oddly familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it, I walked in and the voice said for me to sit down.

I sat but couldn't see anyone around. Until i saw a fluffy white tail peeking out from a side room near a bookshelf, whoever it was must just be getting the forms for me to sign.

I looked down at my fingers for around a minute till I saw the figure sit down, when I looked up we both gasped.


•Angel's pov•

I was just grabbing the forms for the person to sign, I have never met this person but they were very talented with art and I wanted to meet them in person, they wanted to come to this collage and I was more than happy to welcome them here.

I went and sat down at my desk ready to meet the person, before I could get a word out the person looked up and me and I gasped at who I saw, the little demon I went to school with, my friend I thought I would never see again


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