Chapter 6 {caught)

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•bendy's POV•

I had so much fun yesterday, Boris took me over to his friend mugman's house only for cup to be the brother of mug, we told jokes, ate food, watched movies, and best of all, me and cuphead had became friends.

I was so exited to go to school! I could see all my friends, and explain to Angel me and cuphead were on good terms!

I basically jumped out of bed to get dressed, until I heard a voice at my door

-???: "someone's exited for school today, unusual" the voice said with a laugh, I looked over to see who it was

It was Boris!

-bendy: "morning bro!" I said with a smile, he smiled back.

-Boris: "mum told me to tell you she made breakfast! Come down when your dressed!" He smiled and walked out my room

I got dressed, brushed my hair, put my shoes on and brushed my teeth, I basically skipped downstairs as mum and Boris looked at me, confused yet snickering, I sat on the table and started eating breakfast

-mum: "someone's exited for school today, what's the accession?" She snickered

Before I could even speak up Boris spoke for me

-Boris: "I think our little demon here has a crush~"

I could feel my face start to heat up, I chocked slightly on my food before speaking up

-bendy: "W-WHAT?! It's only day 4 of school! How could I have a crush already?!"

-Mum: "it's possible to catch feelings for people quickly! So who's the lucky girl?" She snickered

I felt my face heat up more, but it wasn't a girl I was blushing for.

-Boris: "Come onnnn~ tell us her name tomato face~" he also snickered

I held my face in my hands letting out a muffled scream, boris and mum just laughed more, I quickly finished my food and ran out the door

-bendy: "B-bye mum love you!" I yelled as I quickly ran out the door, boris running after me

-boris: "come on bends! You can tell me!" He said, he sounded more Sincere, and I sighed

-bendy: "I don't think.. we'll I know that it wasn't a girl I was blushing about back at the table.." I said, lowering my head

-Boris: "y-your gay?" He asked

-bendy: "I-I don't know, I'm so confused!"

Boris placed one hand on my back and I looked up at him, he was smiling

-Boris: "well even if you are gay, I'll love you the same way I always have bro" I smiled at him, I felt so happy he accepted me.

•cuphead's POV•

I was sat on the bus to school, all I had on my mind right now was sorting things with angel. I felt so frustrated with myself recently for putting her into such a confusing and stressful situation. The bus was coming up to a stop and outside of the window I saw bendy, the small demon was standing alone but seemed to be smiling, he looked up at the bus and saw me in the window looking at him, I smiled and he smiled back, an even bigger smile than before, he basically skipped on the bus and I wondered why he was so happy. He came and sat down next to me and we began making small talk, I couldn't help but notice how adorable he was, I tried to shake the thoughts out of my mind, I couldn't be gay! Could I?

I was still lost in thought when the but stopped at another stop, me and bendy both looked out the window and saw angel, she had her earphones in, the wind was blowing through her beautiful white fur and I thought on how pretty she was, she stepped on the bus.

She noticed bendy as he gestured for her to come over and sit with us, she looked at him, then back at me. she snarled at me and I could tell she was still mad. I sighed and she sat alone, looking out the bus window.

-bendy: "she must be still really mad at you, huh.."

-cup: "yeah.. I really messed up." I sighed

I could feel tears filling my eyes, I went to rub them when a felt a soft hand on my cheek, wiping my tears for me, it was bendy.

Our faces were only a few inches apart, I felt my face heat up and he looked deep into my eyes, we sat in that position for around a minute, but it felt like hours, the bus suddenly jerked forward and we both gasped and pulled away from each other, we had arrived at school.

•Angel's POV•

I was so confused. When I got on the bus I saw bendy sitting with no other than cuphead. The guy who hated him the most. I sat alone, not wanting to be sat hear him after the stunt he tried to pull on me in the bathroom, I was so confused, hurt and angry all at the same time.

A few minutes went by and I decided to look back at them to see if they were communicating in any way, what I saw shocked me to my core. Bendy had his hand on cup's face and they were both red as shit, they looked like they were about to kiss until the bus stopped at the school and they both pulled away.

I had my suspicions cuphead was into guys since I first met him when we were only little, but to be nearly kissing the guy he had tried to beat up in school?! I was beyond confused at this point, I just got off the bus walking at a quick pace, I had millions of thoughts running through my head right now and I wanted to ignore them.

                         •time skip to last lesson•
•bendy's POV•

I was sitting in art when Angel came and sat down next to me, she wasn't even looking at me and I could see she seemed stressed, once the lesson had started I decided to talk to her

-bendy: "hey.. angel?" I whispered to her, she looked at me

-angel: "what's up." Her voice was stern, was she mad at me? Or upset? Did I hurt my first friend I got here? Oh no.

-bendy: "a-are you mad at me?" I said looking down at my lap.

-angel: "im not mad.. I'm just so confused. You and cuphead when my from hating each other to nearly kissing on the bus in a matter of days." She said whispering so no one would hear us

She saw that moment on the bus? Shit. I was so embarrassed

-bendy: "cup and I, we sorted out our differences.. and now we're friends" I tried to leave out the part of nearly kissing him.

Angel had smiled at me, I could tell she had a real smile on her face, I smiled back and she looked down at her lap.

-angel: "I need to talk to him.. I miss him" she sighed

Her voice sounded so tired, I felt bad I had took her away from her best friend.

-angel: "can I tell you something." She said

I nodded and she continued

-angel: "I know you have a crush on cups" she smiled, it was a sly smile. She had figured out.

I was caught.

(1233 words this chapter! It's longer than the last one! Hope you enjoyed this one! Have a good day/night lovelies! <333 )

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