Chapter 16 {Jealously}

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•bendy's pov•

I was walking with angel and Dovil, angel had given me a proper tour around the collage and now we were just hanging out, luckily Angel and Dovil got along really well, Dovil knew one of angel's nurse friends called grape, so when Angel goes to see grape she can also see dovil, so it works well!

I turned the corner and heard a familiar voice, I turned my head to the side and saw the devil's casino, and cuphead standing in front of it.. he looked just as handsome as ever, his hair was curled and looked fluffy, he was in a casino uniform and he was.. kissing some rabbit girl..

-Angel: "Oh hey! There's cup and some girl? I didn't know he was dating someone!"

The rabbit girl turned her head to look at who was shouting cup and I saw who it was.

Cuphead was dating fanny?! She never told me, when she turned her head back I noticed it was definitely fanny

-Cup: "Hey angel! Who's your friend?" He said referring to Dovil. 

He looked down at me and I saw his expression completely change, he went from happy to an expression I can't really give a name to, he looked upset, happy and angry all in one, his beautiful crimson eyes sparkled and I couldn't help but blush,

Fuck! I can't blush! My girlfriend is here! And so is his!

-Fanny: "Hey dovil, who's the fox?"

-Angel: "I'm angel! Cuphead's childhood best friend! Have you met bendy?"

-Fanny: "sadly yes."

Woah she was really a bitch.

-Angel: "Wait what do you mean by sadly, don't be a prick, bendy is a nice person."

-Fanny: "What did you just call me?!" She roared and angel started growling, baring her teeth

-Angel: "You heard me! Don't speak bad to my friends unless you want to be spoken bad to! It goes both ways you whore!"

Shit, I caused drama again.. oh no oh no.

-Fanny: "Watch your mouth!"

-Angel: "Or what?! You do know foxes hunt rabbits. So you better shut your face little bunny rabbit!"

Angel took a step towards Fanny and she obviously got scared as she hid behind cup.

-Angel: "that's what I thought you pathetic little bitch."

-Cup: "Angel knock it off!"

-Angel: "So your seriously going to let your whore of a girlfriend talk smack to bendy?! I wouldn't be surprised if she was with you for money! As she only took a interest to you when you showed her your house!"

-Fanny: "I'd never!"

-Angel: "I wasn't speaking to you! You little parasite!"

Angel looked like she was about to kill someone, her teeth were fully bared and her stance made it look like she was going to run at Fanny, I took angel's hand to try calm her. She looked at me and sighed, calming herself a bit.

-Cup: "Fanny doesn't have to like bendy"

-Angel: "That doesn't mean she can chat shit! Why are you defending that tramp over me anyway?!"

-Cup: "Because she's my girlfriend!"

-Angel: "She's a judgemental whore! Bendy doesn't deserve to be talked to like that! You've changed. Changed for this whore! You will come crawling back when she leaves you and takes all your money!"

Two hearts without a whole (bendystraw) !!COMPLETE!!Where stories live. Discover now