Chapter 1 {a new school}

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-bendy's pov-

I woke to the sound of my alarm blaring and my brother running tho the room excitedly, his tail was wagging and a big smile was across his face, I smiled at his smile
Boris- "come on bro! We've got our new schools to get ready for!"

He was right,I slowly slid out of bed and glanced out the window, the sun was just slightly in the sky causing my room to glow a slight orange colour as the sun rose in the sky. Boris had ran down to eat breakfast as he was already dressed, I slid my clothes on, got my school supplies and brushed my teeth, before leaving the bathroom I slightly swilled my face with water to clean in slightly, and dried my face with a towel

I put my shoes on, tying the laces and walked down the stairs, my mother Alice was putting toast out for me, she noticed me on the stairs and smiled

-Alice: "morning devil darling! Exited for your new school?"

I smiled and sat down next to Boris who had already eaten his toast, i nodded to my mom and took a bite of toast

-Boris: "it's a shame we won't be on the same school grounds as your in the year above me, but at least next semester we will be!"

I nodded and finished my breakfast, I grabbed my bag and before I could walk to the door I felt a tight par of arms pick me up and hug me, it was mother

-Alice: "I can't believe my little babies are all grown up, going to the biggest school in town, no matter how old you are you guys will always be my babies!"

Mum said crying, I laughed and gave her a hug, then squeezed out her grip

-bendy: don't worry mum! I'll be fine, im a teenager!

Mum gave me one last kiss on the cheek before hugging Boris, they were both crying and I just laughed, it's just school we would be back for tea, Boris and mum both let go and wiped the tears off from there eyes

-Boris: "we'll come on bro! Before we're late!"

-bendy: "you two were the ones crying like we were leaving for war!"

We both laughed and left the house smiling, walking to the bus stop!

                               •cuphead's POV•

I woke up to my little brother knocking on my door, i grunted and sat up on my bed

-cuphead: "ok ok mugs I'm awake"

I shouted to the door

-mugs: "good! You always wake up late! I'll be downstairs!"

I listened to his footsteps get fainter as he walked downstairs, I got up, cracking my back, I got dressed like every average high school student, brushing my teeth and combing my blonde puffy hair, got my bag and walked downstairs

I groaned at seeing my stepdad alseep on the couch, he had bottle after bottle of beer around him and was storing like a pig, I hated him. Ever since me and mugs moved in this house he would do nothing but abuse us, I took most of the hits for mugs, I would always try and protect my little brother from this drink crackhead, I went into the kitchen where my brother was just finishing his cereal

-mugs: "hey bro! You want some?"

I shook my head and smiled,

-cup: "no thanks little bro! I'm not hungry, we should get going anyway"

He nodded and set his now empty bowl in the sink, we walked out the door and down the street to the bus stop, we don't go to the same school and he walks to school as it's closer, we said our goodbyes and I got into the bus, sitting down, the bus stared moving and stopped at another stop, I looked over to see if I noticed the kid who hopped on and it was a completely new face, I've never seen him around before, he was a small Ino demon, he was fluffy and about only up to my hips, i snicked at his height and went back to looking out the window, the bus did another stop and on hopped angel, my best friend since my baby years, she smiled and came sitting next to me, I smiled at her and we began to make small talk, but while we were talking something out of the corner of my eye grabbed my attention, the little ink demon from before, he kept looking at me every once and a while, I didn't know why so I decided to look over at him to see why he was being so nosey, Angel was to caught Up in her story she didn't realise I had looked over at the demon
                               •bendy's POV•

After saying goodbye to my brother Boris I waited for the bus, I pulled out my phone and earbuds and played some music while waiting for the bus to arrive, it took about 10 minutes of me waiting at the bus stop for it to finally arrive, I hopped on board and went to take a seat, I decided to look around to get a idea of what people looked like. I had found a seat and sat down, I glanced around at people on the bus and someone caught my attention, a guy with a cup for a head, he was talking to some fox girl with long pink hair and a fluffy tail that was very long, they were talking and seemed like nice people.

Something felt different though, I found myself heating up looking at the cup guy, he looked so attractive, with puffy blond hair and a body that looked like he could beat anyone up easily, he had a red button nose and a red and white straw coming out his head, all of a sudden he noticed me staring at him, he raised one eyebrow in confusion of why I was staring at him, I panicked and did a delayed smile, waving at him, he rolled his eyes and went back to talking to the fox gal

"Great job bendy. Now he thinks your a weirdo for staring at him, but why was my face heating up looking at him, and why are my hands shaky, I'm not gay am I? No. I'm straight. I'll just forget this ever happened." I thought, sighing and looking out the window.

(Wow a lot of words! 1074 in total! Sorry if this chapter is quite short! I don't really know what else to write! Hope you enjoyed it either way <3 have a good day and I'll be back soon with the next chapter! Take care lovelies!)

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