Chapter 22 {ill be ok}

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                                •Bendy's POV•

Hit had been a few months since cup slipped into that dreadful coma, not a day goes by when I don't think of him, his voice, his voice, his smell, and just him in general, Angel and I do most of our crying together with is kind of a comfort..

I was having one of my many crying sessions when I got a phone call, I looked down at my phone to see it was angel, I picked up and tried to make it sound like I hadn't been crying.

-Bendy: "Hel-"


-bendy: "CUP IS AWAKE?!"


I hung up the phone and basically ran out my dorm and to my car, I drove over the speed limit to get to the hospital, once I had arrived I saw angel's car and boris's car parked up, I knew it was theirs because boris's had a dint in the front and angel's had some doodles on the windows from the inside.

I got out and ran inside over to cup's room, I looked in the window and saw he was definitely awake, he was sat up with a tried smile and talking to angel, Boris and mug, they were all sat around him and looked like they had been crying.

-bendy: "CUP!"

I swung the door open, by this point I had tears racing down my cheeks, I ran over to him and hopped on his bed hugging him tightly.

I heard him grunt a little in pain as I jumped on him, I forgot he had broken a few bones and ribs

-Bendy: "sorry sorry! I just got exited.. I haven't seen you in months"

I tried to get off the bed but he just pulled me into the most passionate kiss ever, I didn't hesitate kissing back.

We were like that for a minute before I remembered that our friends were in the room, I pulled away snd cuddled myself into his chest, he leaned back on his bed hugging me and I saw the others were smiling, I felt so happy to be in his arms again I didn't even notice I was drifting off to sleep.

                                  •time skip•

I woke up in the back seat of a car, I looked around and saw Boris, I recognised him by his black fuzzy tail and his ears

-Bendy: "Hey Boris!"

He didn't reply, instead he turned to face me and I noticed.. that's not Boris.. that's Brute.

I woke up with a gasp, i flung myself up and was hyperventilating, I looked at my hand and I knew it was just a dream. Well more like a nightmare, I heard a sleepy voice next to me.

-cup: "Babe?.. are you alright?."

I looked down to see cup had been asleep next to me, I remembered now how I fell asleep in the hospital and cup must of convinced them to let me stay, he had been spooning me when I woke up like that and I must of woken him to.

-Bendy: "Oh got cup I'm sorry, I just had a nightmare, I didn't meant wake you."

-Cup: "Oh no worries, here lie down and tell me about everything" he yawned.

I smiled and cuddled myself into his chest, he wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt heat up, I told him everything that had happened in the dream and he was listening really well.

-Cup: "Don't worry babe, I won't let that psychopath hurt you, even with the state I'm in all still kick his ass, and it was just a nightmare, so don't worry my demon."

I smiled when he said that, I felt so loved when I was with him, he stroked the back of my head and hummed to me in an attempt to make me fall asleep, and it was working, he was so caring.

(SORRY FOR ONLY 657 WORDSSS! I'm planning on finishing this story soon!! I'm running out of ideas!! Anyway take care lovelies <33)

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