Chapter 17 {Anger}

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                               •Dovil's pov•

I was tending to Fanny's wounds after I got a call that her and angel had gotten in a bad fight, I didn't know why but cup was there when I picked her up so it may be something to do with him? I'm sure she will tell me when she wakes up

I just finished putting some stitches on a bite in her arm when she woke up, I had so much I wanted to ask her.

-Dovil: "FANNY! What happened?!"

-Fanny: "That scum of a boyfriend bendy cheated on you!"

-Dovil: "What?! With who.."

-Fanny: "Cup.."

We were silent for a minute before I felt anger rise up my entire body. I'd never felt this feeling before.. the thirst. For revenge.

-Dovil: "so. What should we do about them."

-Fanny: "I say, we kill them. Even though we're nurses.. no one will know it was us."

-Dovil: "Let's do it."

                               •Boris's pov•

I drove as quick as I could to Angel and mug's place, apparently someone had tried to attack bendy, but had their ass kicked by angel, im glad she was their to defend him, as he was like half the size of anyone he met.

When I got their the door didn't seem to be shuck by a crack, I locked the car behind me and went inside.

-Boris: "Bendy!! Angel!! Mugs!!"

I was yelling for them till Angel came down the stairs, she looked a bit scruffed up, her hair was all stuck out and she had a bandage on her nose and ear, but besides that she was fine.

-Angel: "Hey Boris! Bendy and cup are in the living room!"

-Boris: "Cup? I thought they argued"

-Angel: "Well their basically making out on the couch soo I think they are ok now"

Mugs was at the top of the stairs snickering at what Angel said, me and angel looked through the crack on the door and yep, they were definitely making out, we shut the door quietly and went upstairs.

I followed mugs to his room and he showed me some of his story ideas and his recent story he was writing, I admit he was really good at writing, that must be why he went to our school on a English scholarship all those years back.

-Mugs: "I really need motivation to finish this, I have no new ideas"

I took a piece of paper and wrote some ideas and also the beginning of a new chapter for him, he was in awe with my ideas and got so exited

-Mugs: "Boris your ideas are amazing! Do you want to help me with this book! And all the money I make we half it!"

-Boris: "Of corse! As long as it takes no time out of my education for design and technology! I've been trying to get into a collage for months!"

-Angel: "as I'm a Principle at my collage I have connections to other collages! I can see if I can get you into a collage if you like Boris!"

Me and mugs looked over at angel who was leaning on the door frame, she must of heard us and decided to step in, I was so happy I rushed over to hug her, I could feel my tail wagging, for some reason I felt myself begin to blush?! I quickly jumped back from the hug and angel was stood in front of me, smiling and wagging her tail, she was beautiful.

-Angel: "So I'll take that as a yes!" She giggled and me and mug snickered

We heard faint voices from downstairs and we knew bendy and cup must of been done with their make out session

-Bendy: "Boris? Is that you? I swear I heard you laugh!"

-Boris: "Yeah! We're just in mugs room!"

Him and cup came up and we talked for a bit, bendy explained the entire story in detail and when he was talking about how angel absolutely kicked Fanny's ass she was snickering and posing like a super hero, making us all laugh.

                               •Bendy's pov•

Me and cup had been making out for ages, it felt so good to be with him again, I honestly thought this was gonna get sexual but we weren't in his or my house so there was no way we were gonna do any nasty shit like that in his best friend's and little brothers house.

I was leaned back with my head resting on the arm of the couch and he was in front of me, I had my legs on either side of him so that's why I though it was getting sexual.

He pulled away panting, he looked so attractive honestly. I was panting to and we said nothing till we heard familiar laughing upstairs

-Cup: "sound like Boris, angel and mugs?" He said when he caught his breath,

I nodded and we got up and left the living room, I shouted for Boris and he replied, we walked upstairs to see Angel leaning on the door frame and Boris in front of her, then mugs sat at his desk.

-Bendy: "So I'm sure you lot are curious on why Fanny wanted to murder me"

-Angel: "Yes, but maybe murder is a bit exaggerated? Cause she knows if she kills you I'll rip her ugly whore head off." She growled

I was glad I had a friend like her, very protective and intimidating, yet sweet and kind

-Bendy: "Well yeah true"

-Boris: "So tell me bro, why did that girl want to beat the shit outta you?"

I explained the entire story, when I got to talking about how angel ran out to save my sorry twink ass she was snickering and making all the faces and poses like she was a super hero or some sort of celebrity witch lightened the mood and made us all laugh.

I finished my explanation and sighed, I felt bad for betraying dovil, and kinda fanny. I did kiss her boyfriend after all.

-Bendy: "I feel bad for Dovil and fanny, like fanny did try to beat me up but I did kiss her boyfriend.."

Angel looked at me with a sassy smile

-Angel: "So what it you stole her man? If she's so badass she can come catch him if she can!"

Everyone burst into fits of laughter, she was one funny fox, I realised I was holding cups hand, if made me blush, I was so happy to be back with cup

-Angel: "Well that rabbit bitch shouldn't come running back after I thought her whore ass a lesson about laying a hand on any of my friends! So looks like good times ahead! And we reunited the two love birds~"

Mugs, boris and angel all snickered and wolf whistled to mock me and cup, me and him just both nervously laughed and I felt my face heating up.

Hopefully things would be normal now

Especially since I was with my cup.

(WOOOOOO 1166 WORDS!! This one was kinda rushed so I hope you don't mind! Take care lovelies! <33)

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