Chapter 13 {a hard goodbye}

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A month had passed since cuphead and the others had there scholarship program at bendy's school, sadly there program was over and they had to move back to their old school, it was the last day till they took the bus back to their old town.

Cuphead and mugs were going to be staying with angel back at their old town because the school was to far away from bendy's house, everyone was gloomy that day.. but no one mentioned it.
                               •bendy's pov•
I was so upset knowing cup and the others were moving tomorrow. Even thought no one had mentioned it, I could tell everyone were upset, I could see it on their face's and hear it in their voices.

We were all out after school, we were in the park hanging out, enjoying our last full day together since they moved away early tomorrow morning.

We were having what we called a mini picnic, we didn't have much snacks but cup and I had made homemade s'mores and they were the best part of the picnic, Angel had brought some heathy shit ofc,
Maybe that's why she's so thin? Meh, and the other boys had brought sugary sweets, they tasted really good.

I was cuddled up to cup the entire time, knowing I wouldn't be able to cuddle up to him for a really long time, or maybe even ever again..

He had a tight grip on me, I knew he was thinking the same thing I was..

Mugs and Boris were also really close to each other, not in a romantic way, in a best friend way, they both spent the entire time talking with each other, I knew they didn't want to waste a single second of this day, as it would be their last.

And angel didn't really talk much, she had her tail wrapped around her and her ears hung fairly low, she bearly ate either and only talked if she was spoken to, which was odd as she was really bubbly.

The sun started to set and all the food was eaten, everyone was getting tired and angel was practically falling asleep, we had to keep saying her name to keep her awake.

Cuphead was getting tired to, he had his head leaned on a tree and was yawning a lot.

-Mugs: "Why don't we head back? Everyone is getting tired and it's nearly dark" he said with a soft yawn.

-Angel: "Yeah, good idea." She mumbled, as she was so tired

I didn't want Angel to go as she lived decently far away. So I might not see her before she goes in the morning.

Before she could walk off the other direction I went up and hugged her, she kneeled down to my height and hugged me, wrapping her tail around me, I couldn't help but cry slightly, I was going to miss her so much, one of my first true friends I ever had, she must of heard me sniffle because she just held me tighter.

-Angel: "I'm going to miss you to.."

Did she just read my mind or some shit?

After a good minute I backed away from the hug, smiling and wiping my eyes.

"Thank you.. for being a true friend to me" I said to her with a smile

She returned the smile and went to say something before Boris went up and hugged her. Her and Boris had been getting really close lately so I wasn't surprised to see Boris sobbing, she hugged him as tight as she hugged me, her and Boris's ears hung low, they hugged for a few good minutes before they Said there sorrowful goodbyes to each other and we watched angel walk off, we may never see her again..

We had gotten the bus home and I was sitting in my room drawing, I was flicking through the pages when I saw a little drawing I had made of angel, and next to it was a little drawing of me that she drew, I couldn't help but smile. I ripped the page out my sketchbook and taped it to my wall, I decided to draw everyone on one page. I drew Me, Boris, mugs, angel and especially cup all posing and laughing, above us all I wrote "4 Lifers".

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