Chapter 10 {reunited}

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• No ones POV •

It had been one year since bendy moved, he made new some new friends in school but word got out that he was gay and he got bullied quite often, luckily his brother and his new friends (felix and shiba) would stand up for him, but he never forgot about cup, he thought he would never see his old friends again until one day..

•bendy's POV•

It was a boring Monday morning, I was sitting at my desk waiting for the class to start.

-Boris: "have you heard, apparently a couple students from another school are here on a scholarship!" Boris said beside me

-Bendy: "no I haven't? I wonder who they are!" I said with a smile, maybe they'd like me! And not bully me like most people

All of a sudden the teacher came in and shushed the class, I could hear voices outside the door so they were probably the new students.

-teacher: "as some of you already know we have some new students here for a few weeks on a scholarship! I'd like you all to be respectful and polite as they are very smart to come here!"

The teacher then gestured for the students to come in and I gasped when I saw who came through the door.. it was angel, cuphead and mugs! And a few other people I recognised from the old school! Me and Boris both gasped.

-teacher: "please introduce yourselves!"

-Angel: "Hi! I'm Angel, I'm here are a art scholarship!"

Angel smiled and I saw some of the boys basically drooling.

-mugs: "Hi!! I'm mugman but you can all call me mugs! And I'm here on a English scholarship!"

Oh yeah.. mugs did tell us he loved English!

-cup: "and I'm cuphead! I'm here on a maths scholarship!" He smiled

I didn't know cups was good at maths! Must be smart.. very smart.

The others introduced themselves afterwards and all took a seat at the front, I couldn't wait to talk to cup again.. I'd talk to him after class!
•time skip•

The bell rung and I tried to find cup, I found him talking to Cagney and Djimmi.. why was he talking to my bullies and were was angel? Whatever I'd just tell him they were horrible to me and he'd probably beat their asses.

-Bendy: "CUP!" I ran to him smiling, I could see his face was shocked but they his expression went.. angry?..

-Cagney: "Oh don't tell me your friends with the fag? Right cup bro?"

Cup was quiet for a second before stepping away from me.

-cup: "I used to be.. before he disappeared without telling anyone. Leaving us all wondering what we did wrong."

He walked away with Cagney but Djimmy stayed behind with me.

-Djimmi: "Aww did the little gay boy lose his friends?" He snickered before kicking my legs, causing me to fall

-???: "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" I heard a feminine voice yell, I turned my head to see Angel! She was standing up for me again!

-Djimmi: "Or what little foxy?" He laughed, angel stormed up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, catching him off guard.

-Angel: "Or I'll beat you black and blue.." she tossed him to the floor like he was a pile of garbage and he ran off after his friends.

-Bendy: "ANGEL!" I smiled while standing up, but she didn't seem happy, she seemed angry like cup.

-Angel: "hey bendy.." she said with a stern voice.

-Bendy: "I'm so so sorry I moved without telling you.. I didn't want to move.. I've missed you guys so much.. but my mum was tight on money.. and we had to move so she could get a better job.. and I couldn't tell you about the move because we left of Sunday." I could feel myself getting tears in my eyes before angel hugged me

-Angel: "it's ok bendy.. it's not your fault.. I've missed you to. So so much"

-Bendy: "cup is mad at me.. he was hanging out with my bullies.. The guy you threw to the floor and another dude."

-Angel: "I'll talk to him for you, he's missed you so much, he's became an jerk again."

The bell rang and me and angel went out separate ways to different classes.. I hope cuphead will forgive me.. I still love him.. and I want to tell him how I feel
•time skip•

It was time to go home. I hadn't seen cup or angel all day apart from this morning. I hope he wasn't avoiding me.. I sighed as me and Boris left the school grounds, mugs and Boris were like best friends again and they both ran ahead to our house, Boris must be exited to show him around our new hose as mugs had never seen it.

I saw them all happy and it just reminded me of how much I missed cup. I was thinking about him when I felt a strong pair of arms lift me into a hug, I was so confused till I realised it was cup! I could tell by how he smelled. He smelled like lemon tea and it was such a nice scent, I hugged back and we were like that for a few seconds till I leaned away and looked up at him. He had tears in his eyes.

-Cup: "angel explained everything to me. I'm so sorry I got mad at you. You don't know how much I've missed you."

I wiped his eyes and smiled at him

-bendy: "I've missed you more cuppy! And I forgive you! I'm sorry for not telling you about the move.."

He smiled at me and I got out of his arms and took him to my house, holding his hand, he seemed shocked by how big it was compared to my old one! I have him a tour and he seemed to really like the house, I didn't realise I still had his hand in mine.

-Mum: "Hey bendy dear! Oh and hello Cuphead! It's been a while since I've seen you"

-Cup: "Hello miss Alice! It's nice to see you again!" He said with a smile

My mum looked down with her eyebrow raised and a smile on her face, I was confused at first till I realised me and cup were still holding hands, we quickly pulled our hands away from each other and cup did a awkward laugh, my mum snickered and I felt my face heating up.

-mum: "Anyways, can I get you boys some snacks? You can go upstairs and watch a movie or something!" She said trying to change the subject.

-Bendy: "o-ok!" I heard my stutter and it must be because of how flustered I am, I looked at cup and I could see he was flustered to, maybe he likes me the same way? That's it.

I'm going to tell him how I feel tomorrow. It's decided.
•Cups POV•

After that embarrassing moment we followed bendy's mum to the kitchen, she got us some snacks and things out and handed us them, I thanked her and we went upstairs to his room, his room had an amazing view of the sunset.

We put on a movie and got cozy under a mountain of blankets, we were halfway through the movie when I felt something lean against my arm. It was bendy

He had fallen asleep on me, I couldn't help but smile, my face heated up and I put my arm around him pulling him closer, he was asleep on my waist and I felt myself blushing even more, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I was in love with him. And I think he loves me back.

(1299 words in this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Im enjoying writing this a lot and even though it doesn't have many reads I'm enjoying myself!

Also! Sorry this chapter is mainly bendy's pov! I'll try give different povs next chapter! Take care lovelies <33)

Two hearts without a whole (bendystraw) !!COMPLETE!!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα