Another alessia oneshot

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This is a few months after th las oneshot, alesia and James have been friends and doing stuff together like going for lunches and having a drink together. It's the first training camp since they won the World Cup, alessia is roomed with lotte, Georgia and Ella , they all tell her to take him back by the end of the first night alesia finds herself going to James's,room.

Alesiias pov
I've just arived I see James first i hug him and say " I'm so pleased to see you, even though we met up last week I missed you". He says " I missed you to". I go into,my room , it's like an apartment with four rooms, we have one spare as geogia and Ella are sharing a room , they got together during the World Cup. Ella looks,at me and says " come on less take him back you clearly miss him a,d he misses you". I say I do miss him but what if he cheats again?", geogia says " he won't he regrets it so much". Lotte says " yeah, he atemted suicide beacause he hated himself so much for hurting you he probably still hates himself, just tell him how you fell".

James's pov
I get a text from less saying mind if I come to Your room,I need to tell you something?". I reply " of course not come over". I hear th door open and less looks at me and says " I'm ready, let's start again, I love you so much, and I swear if you cheat again then I won't hesitate to dump you". I hold her hand and say " less I'd never do that to you again the first time was hard enough". Less says " so James Reed will you be my boyfriend again and this time it's forever". I kiss her and say " of course I will alessia Russo, I love you so much". She says " do you want to come,over to my room I'm sure the girls won't mind you could even stay over?". I get my necessities for tonight and male my way for less's room. Lott e answers the door, a lets me in, less pulls me into her room. She says " I hope you don't mind I wantyou in my bed tonight". I,kiss,her and say " of course I don't now come on let's join the girls, and celebrat getting back toghether". We watch movies and play games all night, im,so happy I've got the woman of my dreams back I've let,her go ounce I won't be doing it again.

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