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Alessias pov
I wake up to see a beutiful brunette sleeping next to me, I remember evreything about last night including the sex. Lotte wakes up and says " morning less, so last night?". I say " was incredible I know, I said I'd meet g before breakfast, sorry". She says " dont ever apologise for being the amazing friend and person you are". I shower and get dressed, ingive lotte a kiss goodbye then leave. I see g leaving at the same time, we both laugh, I get us both a cofie and I say " so how are you and Ella?", she says " we're going well, we should go on a double date at some point after the tounament". I say " I'd love that, look I'm sorry if I was to harsh on you when you know, it's just Ella means so much to me". She hugs me and says " I'm sorry to, I shouldn't have pushed you, Ella's a verry special person and I promise you I will take care of her and treat her right from now on". Georgia looks at my neck and says " what the heck?", I blush and say " don't tell anyone, not even Ella, me and lotte slept together last night". She hugs me and says " oh my god, I'm,so,happy for you both".

Lottes pov
Starting x1
Wuben- moy

We're in the tunnel about to kick off, I'm quite nervous as I've never played for England in this big of a game before.  Less holds my hand and says " you'll be fine, I believe in you the team and Serena believe in you you just need to believe in yourself".  The gale kicks off we put pressure on Australia straight away and they don't know what to do,we've created chances but haven't taken them, the ball is cleared to me, I volley it first time and it goes into the top corner, I can't believe it. Less runs up to me and hugs me. We win the game 7-0, we get showered and changed, then go back to the hotel. After dinner me and less are going into geogia and Ella's room to have a movie night with them, we bring drinks and snacks. We go in to see Ella tickling g, there so cute together. I fell a heavy weight on my shoulders and notice less is asleep, Ella,says, you guys can stay here her toning, just get neceserty for tonight and the morning, I go into our room and pack a bag, go back to see less under the covers, we pause the  movie and I join less under the covers.

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