First game and a bit of fun

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Ella's pov
I wake up on the day of the first game, Georgia is still sleeping,I need to speak to less, I shower and get dressed, I text g " gone to check on less, be back soon xxx". We've definatly grown closer since Ollie cheated on her, I've always thought she's beutiful but she'll never like me, I don't even know if she swings that way. I go to less's room to see her getting up, lotte is still,asleap, she whispers, " thanks for checking on me, I'll be fine, now go back to g". I shut the door, go back into mine and Georgia's room to see her up,and looking at her phone. She smiles when she sees me and says " those three kisses were such a cute touch". We're in the tunnel about to play

Starting x1
Wiliamson (c)
Wouben moy

We kick of and put pressure on them from,the get go,,we're 6-0 up,at half time, less scored a hatrick, g scored one and I scored 2. The secound half kicks off we win 14-0, I scored a hatrick and so did g.

Georgia's pov
I'm so,happy we won, we celebrate, not to hard as it is only the first game, I see Ella waiting for me by the tunnel, I walk over to her and hug her. Ella's a verry attractive girl, I still don't know if I like her more than a friend, but I gues a bit of harmless fun won't hurt. I get showered and get on the bus back to the hotel. Me and Ella go into our room, I say " Ella I appreciate you so much, you helped me so much after Ollie cheated, I want to share this with you, I like you but I don't know if it's more than a friend". She kisses me and I kiss back, we have a few hours before dinner , we fall back onto the bed and start ripping eachothers clothes of. Later we're naked under the covers and the sex was incredible, I don't know why but something in my head is telling me that it ment nothing, I still have t come out yet. I look at Ella and she's smiling I say " as much as I enjoyed that, I don't know if it ment anything it was just a bit of fun at the end of the day". She quickly leaves the bed puts her clothes back on and leaves the room, I fucked up badly, and now I've lost one of my best friends because of it.

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