Maya stays with Katie's family

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Mayas pov
I'm so nervous, I'm driving down to Cornwall to spend the week with Katie and her family, I know we're pretty much official,but we're not yet I hope we are soon. I just want to make a good impression on Katie's foamy and show how much I really do care about her. I'm halfway through the drive , I stop,at the services, I get back in the car and Katie calls me, I answer it and say "hi" she says " hi may, where are you, thers no rush".  I say " I'm about halfway through the journey I should be with you by midday". She says " oh may you shouldn't have gone so early, im still in bed". I laugh and say " well I won't be complaining if you are when I arrive".  She laughs and says " I won't be, I need to look prestable, the family can't wait to,meet you, I know you're nervous but please don't be, just be your amazing self and they'll love you, just not as much as I do". We haven't said it to eachother before but now fells like the right time to say it , I say " I love you to".

Katie's pov
I'm so relived she said it back, I want to make things official before we go back to England camp, right now we're still getting to know each other. A couple of hers later, I see her car pull into the driveway run outside, and hug her, she hugs back and kisses me. My mum says " maya make yourself at home, we're going out for dinner tonight, until then just do what you want you might want to rest after getting up so early and driving all that way, i Cary Mayas bags into my room,while she speaks to my family, she must be knackerd after driving al that way and waking up so early. I see she's tired, she chats to them for another five minuets and then says " guys I'm going to go upstairs, it was lovely meeting you all and I'll see you later". As soon as we get in the room maya makes a beeline for the bed, I follow her, I pull her into my arms and she says " I ment it you know, I wasn't expecting to fell it so quickly but i do I love you Katie Robinson". I kiss her and say " I love you to maya le tisier, now get some rest, I'm,not leaving you". I hear soft snores iledietly, my dad comes in and whispers " she needs that, it was good of her to speak to them but I've told them they probably should've waited until she had settled in and got some sleep ".

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