A new couple in the squad?

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Lotte's pov
I'm just about to talk,to less about the elephant in the room, we haven't really talked about it, Lucy told me to hear her out and that's what I'm going to do. She's in the bathroom,I hear knocking on the door, I open it to see a tearful Ella,,I let her I , Leah and Jordan follow. Less comes out and sees Ella, Ella says through tears, " can two,of you check on geogia please". Me and Jordan go into Georgia and Ella's room, Georgia,is sat on the floor, jordan gets down a,d says " did you two?", geogia nods and says " it was incredible, but then I had to ruin it by saying it meant nothing and probably Broke her heart, I dunno how I fell about her and now I've just used her and lost her for good". I hug g a,d say " anyone can see how sorry you are, why don't we request to Serena a room change Until Ella's ready to,speak to,you, jordan can stay with you".jordan nods and gets Serena she understands what's happend and agrees, geogia packs Ella's stuff and puts them in Leah and Jordan's room.

Alessias pov
I'm fuming with geogia, how dare she play with Ella's emotions like that, after evreything Ella has done for her. I go into Georgia's room and say " not like you care but Ella's in my room in tears". Geogia pushes me a,d says " you think I don't care about her, why do you think I said it meant nothing, it would be more selfish to just lead her on, I'm sorry she's upset and I'm Sory for pushing you but you have no idea what I'm going through, I'm In The process of coming out, there was something in my head telling me it meant nothing that's why I said it". She's clearly sorry I decide to leave her room, and go back to mine. It's just lotte in there,she looks at me and says " so before Ella came in I was going to hear you out". I look at her and say " I like you lotte as more than a friend,the other night we were drunk the only reason I said no is because i didn't want you to regret it in the morning". She looks at me and says " I wouldn't have regretted it, less I've liked you for months now". I look at lotte and kiss her, she kisses back and places me on the bed we make out for half an hour. We agree to go in a date after the World Cup and just take it at our pace.

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