Third game

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Keira's pov
Todays our third game, I need to speak to g before, I wake up, get showered and dressed, give Lucy a kiss and send ber a text " soory babe I've gone to speak to g xxxxxxxxx".  G is waiting at the lobby, i go down the stairs and say " come here", she walks into my arms, and cries silently, I say " g I know you're confused but you played with Ella's emotions and that's not okay". She says " I know i did, I really like her but I can't speak to her the way we used to before it happend". She looks at me and says " I miss her so much, I know I have no right to ask for her forgiveness but we haven't talked since it hapend and I know that's my fault". I see Ella playing with the ball and say join her, I'll supervise, you need to to talk in private but for know just try making conversation with her".  G goes onto the pitch and says " mind if I join?", Ella says " of course not". I can tell they have missed talking to eachother, they're still not on the level they were but that's to be expected".

Lucy's pov
We're in the tunnel about to kick off.
Starting x1
Wuben- moy

We kick off a,d put pressure on china straight away they can't handle us, we go in at half time 8-0 up, serena says " brilliant girls, we're showing the world why we're europian champions now go out there and do the same for the secound half". We do exactly that we win 16- 0, even I scored, my body is aching, I think kei can tell she says " go in the massage room I'll join you in a few minutes". I nod, Kiera joins me and gives me the best massage ever. We go back to the hotel, i fa,Cuna swim, Keira puts her bikini on and so do I. We're the only ones in there I take Kiera to a secret cave we're nobody will see us. Keira kisses me, and I kiss back,  I put my hands under her thighs and she wraps them around my waist, I start tacking her neck with kisses, she throws her head back in pleasure but hits it gently against a rock, I put her down and say " babe I'm so sorry, are you okay". Keira says, "my head hurts a bit but I'm fine",I kiss the back of her head and take her to the medical team to be on the safe side.

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