Georgia and ella first date

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Georgias pov
I'm falling for Ella, I'm not ready to say it yet, but I can tell she is, I've got a plan for our first dat, I just need to clear it with Serena. She knocks on the door, I open it and step outside a,d say " I know it's not ideal me asking this but would you mind if I took Ella away,for a few hours, it's going to be our first date". She hugs me and says " of course not,, enjoy the date, I hope it goes well, just remember to,treat her right, she's a verry special girl". I go back into our room to see Ella still sleeping somehow.  I book the rest ur at for the date, and join her back under the covers. I really hope she likes it, I care so much about her,  istrugle to say my emotions especially when it comes to love, Ollie didn't get it he was fuming it took me so long to say it,I hope Ella's not like that.  I fell some movement beside me a,d see Ella awake, I smile kiss her and say " we've got the day off training , I'm taking you on our first date, and before you argue I'm,paying, think of it as my way of showing you how much I care about you".

Ella's pov
Geogia told me to dress nice s I have a dress on, I hope it's not to much, geogia kisses me nd says " you look,beautiful ". We go to the restaurant, I can't believe geogia booked this place it's amazing, the food is delicious and the company is incredible. I look at g and say " I know you struggle saying how you fell, but you doing this for me just shows me how much you do care about me, thank you so much". We go,back to,the hotel,and get into our room. I pull g onto my lap and say " I'm Sory if this freaks,you,out, but I can't hold it,in anymore, I lov3 you geogia Stanway, I'm not expecting you to say it back, I'll wait as long as it,takes,for you to say it, I'm not Ollie, he was just a prick". Georgia kisses me a,d says " I'm not,ready to say it yet, but when I am you'll be the first to know, I really really like you Ella and I fell like I'm falling for you. I do,t want this to affect our friendship a,d potential relationship, an d thank you for being so patient,with me". I kiss her back and say " it okay g, I knew you wouldn't say it back yet but I just couldn't keep it from you anymore, you deserve to be loved and treated like the incredible woman you are, a,d I just hope I can be that person ".

Ellas pov

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