Katies 21st and katie opens up to maya

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Katie's pov
I wake up on my birthday to see nothing, honestly I'm not mad, I'm,focused on the tounament and that's it, my parents gave me a few things to take with me so I guess I'll open them. Maya gets up and says " happy birthday, now your probably woundering how I know, you're parents called, I know you don't like a fuss but the other girls insisted on a party and so did serena, we have a few hours before breakfast". I open ly arms for her she gets in them, I say " thank you so much maya, it means a lot you,done all,this for me and I ca,t wait to start playing for United with you". Maya goes into the bathroom and brings out balloons sole presents and a card, she says " I know you don't like being made a fuss of but you're going to have to today and evrey other birthday ". I hug maya and say "thank you, the reson I don't like my birthday is because I attempted suicide on my 15th, my,pare,ts we're going through a rocky time and on the verge of splitting up they didn't have time for me".

Mayas pov
I hug her and say " oh my god, I'm so sorry, I've just ruined it", Katie holds my hand and says " you haven't ruined anything, it's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me". I give her the card ( to katie happy birthday, you are on in a million katie Robinson, you're beutiful, kind,caring, loving, thoughtful,generous and insane at football , I can't wait to play with you at club and international level all my love maya xxx". Katie kisses me and says " thank you so much maya". I give her the pressents ( clothes,shoes, perfume, makeup, jewellery and and lots of other things", she hugs me and thanks me. I take a phot with her and the balloons for her instagram, she says I've just asked geogia to take a phot of bot of us, g and Ella come in, hug Katie and wish her a happy birthday, I join kaite and put my arm around her. We go out of the room to see the whole team up,a,d out there rooms to wish her a happy birthday. She hugs all of them,the party is starting in half an hour, I wanted to help but Serena told me to keep kaite occupied, I take her to the beach, cpshes sat. In between my legs, and she kisses me and says " thanks for today I know it's not finished but I've loved it, I might actually start looking forwood to my birthday again".

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