"Don't overthink things, Miss Redwood." Ralph said from behind her, interrupting her from her trance. "I didn't do anything bad to you. I only carried and transported you from my apartment to yours." He assured while beaming a bright morning smile at Lizabeth before sliding himself into the driver's seat.

And Lizabeth did the same. But then again, Lizabeth startled when she noticed the fuel tank of her car was emptied. She mustered her thoughts and gathered her memories, tracking down the last time she refueled her car. And that was the other day and she had been refueling her car for the week. .Before Ralph drove and rocketed his car to the road, and before it would be too late for Lizabeth to stop the guy next door, Lizabeth hopped off the driver's seat and hurriedly sprinted fast heading to the driver's seat of Ralph's car.

The guy next door immediately rolled open the driver's seat window and pried at Lizabeth. "What's wrong, Miss Redwood?"

"I forgot to refuel my tank yesterday." Lizabeth uttered under her worry and timidness filled voice. "Can you give me a ride, Mr Cortez?" She asked, twisting her lips into a faint smile. "Please. I'm getting late to work."

"Miss Redwood, we work at the same retail store." Ralph chuckled rediculously at Lizabeth. "Come.on! Hop in." He said, ushering the young lady to get into the passenger seat.

The ride from the apartment complex to the retail store was smooth and flawless – most likely unfazed from the traffic. Although the road that connected and linked the apartment up to the retail store was a bit narrower compared to the other high roads, it wasn't an exception to the traffic. Fortunately for them, the eight to nine morning rush and bustle was mild and moderate compared to the six to eight morning rush. Nevertheless, the guy next door, Ralph Cortez seemed to be an exceptional driver – Lizabeth least assumed.

Upon arriving at the retail store, Mr Kenney, Dorothy, the third cashier and two other warehouse personnels were helping each other opening the store. Dorothy and Lizabeth were alternately took overtime to assist Gloria in the afternoon until evening before closing the store. The same situation with the warehouse personnels, and Ralph loved doing overtime – not because he wanted to earn more money. But because he wanted a distraction from something he avoided that voiding him lately more probably.

Togetherly, Lizabeth and Ralph approached to Mr Kenney.

"Good morning, Mr Kenney." Lizabeth uttered haughtily, greeting their store manager. "Sorry if I am almost late."

"It's okay, Miss Redwood." Mr Kenney replied with a lackluster tone. He then glanced at Lizabeth with an ashen countenance. "You're not late."

Immediately, Lizabeth flustered and seemingly fazed by the colorless and lifeless expression she percepted from Mr Kenney. Lizabeth wanted to interrogate but her inner being and subconscious reproached her before her tongue slipped and spoke unnecessary things.  And as the metal roll up all opened, both front and the rear part of the store, all employees entered and proceeded to their respective areas. Lizabeth dropped by the locker room together with Dorothy and she was too itchy to ask Dorothy.


The woman immediately held herself from putting her retail store uniform on her – when she heard the soft and controlled voice of Lizabeth wafted through her ear. She turned to Lizabeth, pinning the young lady with her prying stare. "What is it, Lisafe?"

Lizabeth cleared her throat and straightened herself. "Well, when I came here, I noticed the ashen and lifeless expression of Mr Kenney's face. I know I don't have the right to interrogate. But–" she drifted off, slurping uncomfortably. "Is there something else happened lately that I am unaware of?"

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