Brandon did the same and followed him to the sports complex. "I don't think it's possible to take her out this weekend." Brandon said as he walked beside Chandler. "She will be very busy."

"No, she's not." Chandler chided promptly, halting his pace and sneered at Brandon. "I told Mr Kenney to place Lisafe's day during Sundays so I could take her out." He whipped and started pacing toward the entrance of the sports complex. "Unless she has something important to do this weekend."

The thought about Lizabeth was being asked by her neighbor and the guy next door, Ralph Cortez came thronging to Brandon's head. Brandon wanted to inform his friend about it but he shook the idea and brushed the thought away. Dwelling with it seemed like not the proper or right time since Lizabeth was unsure of her decision, thus how it itched and excited Ralph, Brandon saw the episode himself. And he and Ariella had got nothing to do with what kind of triangle love affair that would bestow soon before their very eyes chaotically as he presumed. 

Only Lizabeth knew and held her decision.

In the morning, Lizabeth woke up early to jog through the road. It had been a while since the last time she jogged and walked briskly in the early morning. She pulled up her jogging pants and a plain ivory tee before casing her feet with a pair of Nike rubber shoes. Looking and checking her image through the mirror, Lizabeth smirked to see how far the changes had been for the past two weeks. She wrapped her hands around her hair, tugging into a ponytail before storming out of her bedroom. Lizabeth winced when she slipped out of her apartment and Ralph was standing in the hallway.

"What are you doing here?" The only sentence felt off Lizabeth's mouth upon seeing Ralph. "And where are you going?" She asked while trailing her eyes from.jead to toe of the guy.

"What a question." Ralph scoffed funnily at the question Lizabeth asked him. He scanned, dashing his eyes through the young lady's feature. "I think the answer to your question is the same thing with what you're about to do."

"You're going to jog?"

Ralph nodded mildly. "Yeah." He sauntered languorously through the hallway. "Aren't you too?"

The hesitant and astonished Lizabeth nodded. "Yes."

"Do you want to tsg along with me?"

"If you don't mind." Lizabeth retorted rhetorically, smirking cheviously at Ralph. "I would certainly."

"Let's go then!"

Lizabeth led the way when they began jogging and strolling through the roadside and particular pavements. The execution of their jog and brisk walk was done alternately. They had walked briskly every one hundred meters and jogged tirelessly for every five hundred meters to a kilometer. During their jogging, the two discussed about random things that mostly related to sports and other physical activities. Almost every five minutes, either of them checked for the time and the calories had been burned during their runs and paces.

Both brought their own timer and calorimeter.

Lizabeth could reminisce the previous days she jogged during the early morning when she was still living in Bel-Air with her father. Bel-Air was the most prominent area around Beverly Hills – so solemn,.safe and peaceful. Some of the richest people in the United States are residing there. Three of the most expensive and iconic private residential estates were nestled in Bel-Air. The Chartwell Estate, The One and the Spectre which all of them would cost any aspiring individual, who were interested to buy them – a staggering at least a hundred and fifty million dollars.

Means, you have to be a certified billionaire in order to own one of them.

"Miss Redwood?"

Lizabeth fissured from drinking her energy drink, Gatorade and twisted her head at Ralph. "What is it, Mr Cortez?"

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