Chapter 112

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"Thea!" Percy yelled in alarm, worried for the daughter of Zeus who had made it very obvious that she didn't get along with bodies of water.

"Go after her, you half-wit!" James yelled when he saw that the boy was only starring at his daughter instead of going after her.

Percy rushed to the side of the boat and saw Thea swimming and quickly catching up the Annabeth, who was paddling madly for the island, and the waves were carrying her straight towards the jagged rocks.

"How does she know how to swim?"

"Isn't she supposed to be afraid of water?"

"Why is she doing all of this?"

"She's going to get herself killed."

Percy turned to the pilot's when and yelled, "stay!"

Percy didn't hesitate to jump after the girls knowing that Thea would need his help saving Annabeth. He sliced through the water and willed the currents to bend around him making a jet stream that shot him forward, whizzing past Thea who was rapidly swimming towards her friend. Thea quickly caught up with Percy, but it seemed that the tides were against her.

"Of course," Regulus mumbled, glaring at the body of water the was surrounding the young girl.

"What?" Bellatrix asked, confused by her younger cousin's reaction.

"There has to be something working against her," Regulus explained. His cousin nodded, understanding the young boy's point of view.

The pair were side by side when they saw Annabeth getting swept between razor-sharp rocks. Without hesitation, they plunged after her, but this time, Percy grabbed ahold of Thea so that she wasn't swept away by the current.

They dove under the wrecked hull of a yacht, wove through a collection of floating metal balls on chains that Thea realized afterward were mines. Percy had to use all his power over water to avoid getting smashed against the rocks or tangled in the nets of barbed wire strung just below the surface.

"Come on, you can get to her!" Alice encouraged, as she clutched Frank's hand tightly.

They kept going until they reached a half-moon-shaped bay. The water was choked with more rocks, but Percy managed to get them closer only to be exposed to more ship wreckage, rocks, and floating mines. The swimming pair were able to see the black half-moon-shaped bay.

"There!" Thea said pointing at a swimming figure swimming ahead of them. "We need to get to her before she reaches the sirens."

Thea turned to Percy, only to notice his eyes fixated on the shore, where the fog had cleared off. That's when they finally saw the Sirens. They were worse than anything that had been described in the books. They were vultures the size of people with dirty black plumage, gray talons, and wrinkled pink necks with human heads on top of these necks. Human heads that kept on changing.

The reactions to the gruesome creatures were as expected. Many people let out noises of dis-contempt when they saw the mythical creatures that were the cause of doom of many sailors across history.

Thea could see that they were still singing, despite the fact that she couldn't hear them. Their faces kept changing into the ones of the people that they knew. The people that made them feel safe and the ones they wished to see more than anything. These faces were beckoning them towards them with reassuring smiles on their faces.

Percy grabbed Thea and propelled them towards the blonde girl, giving them just enough of a push to catch Annabeth's ankle. A shock went through Percy's body, as though Thea had shocked him, but he knew that Annabeth was the source. That's when he saw the Sirens the way Annabeth had been seeing them.

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