Author's note (PLEASE READ)

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Hello, my dear readers, I hope you enjoyed the story. 

This story took me some time to write so, I am so glad I have finished it and I am sharing it. At first, I wasn't thinking of writing more than one book because I was super lazy but now I am on the last chapter I just can't say goodbye to Trelicia  (Treadway x Elicia), a terrible combination I know HELP!!!!!

I feel like this story hasn't exhausted my mind so, Guess what????!!!!!!!

I am writing a second book.


I am currently working on the second book but I am having a major writer's block but I managed to write at least a chapter which I will post below.

Read and comment 'more' if you want the second book.

Oooh one more thing!!!!

At the beginning of the book, l posted a playlist. The playlist is finally on Spotify, if you want to listen to the songs go to Spotify and search for Damaged by Mitchel A Chikore.

The picture above shows the page.


love love love!!!!!


The Damaged Series (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now