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The next day at work was really awkward, I fell a couple of orders.

Treadway was looking at me the whole time.

I was a nervous mess and thank heavens lunch came in a buzz but to my dismay Treadway and I were staying behind because we took turns to go for lunch.

He came to talk to me at the counter as there were no more customers coming in.

"Hey El." He says making me acknowledge his presence.

"Hey." I say and the air becomes very tense, one could literary cut the tension with a knife.

I didn't know what else to say to him, he was quiet as well but he mastered the courage after a couple of minutes somehow.

"Are you still thinking?" he asks awkwardly.

"No, I---, " I am cut by a customer who wanted to order.

From then on-wards the coffee shop was flooded, we barely managed to have our own lunch and we never managed to talk until it was dismissal time.

Sorry baby, I don't think I will be able to pick you up from work I have surgery within 30minutes so l am preparing.

Get a cab home I will be late today so don't wait up for me.

Mommy loves you


I received a message from my mom and I texted back with an

'It's fine mom, Love you too'

As soon as I put my phone in my jacket and start walking home, Treadway called my name and I stopped in my tracks.

"Can I walk you home if your mom is not picking you up?" He asks hesitantly looking at his feet.

"I would love that." I say and smile.

We walk in silence for a couple of minutes before he took my hand out of my pocket and held it.

I was taken aback but I blushed furiously.

He has so much effect on me that such small gestures evoke a lot of my emotions.

"Is this okay with you?" he asks staring at our hands and I nod vigorously.

We walked like that until we reached my place, where we stood awkwardly at my door until he bid his farewells.

"Bye, I will see you tomorrow." He says and lean in to kiss my forehead.

As he turned to leave I held his hand and he turned back around.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask hesitant, afraid he will turn me down and I will be embarrassed.

"Won't your mom mind?" He asks slightly smiling.

"She is likely to come back late." I say and he nods as we get inside.

If I had said the whole day at work was full of tension and awkwardness now was on another level.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"No, I am fine. Thanks."

"Okay. Let's watch something." I say switching on the television and he nods.

I sit on a two seater and instead of him seating with me he sits on another couch far away from me.

"Umm, why don't you come and sit with me." I say my face turning red, this is not me, he makes me do things I never thought I would do.

He moves to sit with me and as soon as he does I turn to look at him.

"I want to be with you too Treadway." I say and we stare at each other for what feels like eternity.

He pulls me close to him and place his lips on mine and I am sucked into his world.

I felt like I had no control of myself anymore, we moved our lips in sync as the fireworks in my stomach erupted.

The way he made me feel was beyond my understanding and I hoped l made him feel half of how he made me feel.

The kiss starts soft and sweet but as quickly as it started it deepens and I could feel how much he wanted me just from the way he was kissing me.

I hold on for dear life and kiss him back with as much intensity as he was radiating.

I felt him placing his hands on my thighs pulling me towards him and I ended up straddling him.

He pulled me closer as if l wasn't close enough and I put my one hand on his neck and the other in his hair.

We are forced to break apart because we need to breathe and stay alive.

We looked at each other and the moment I did, I stared right into his eyes and they were blazing with desire; I smiled knowing that I also had a strong hold on him as much as he did on me.

This seemed to scare him a lot, that I made him feel that way. So, he stood up and moved towards the window.

I felt myself relax from all the making out, it's like l was bottling up how he made me feel that now l feel relieved.

From the way he was breathing l could tell he was feeling the same.

We were both breathing heavily and I went to the kitchen and get some water for both him and I.

It seemed that the water calmed our nerves because we were no longer behaving awkwardly.

We ordered pizza and watched movie after movie on the TV until it was really late.

"I have to go, it's now late." He says and as much as I wanted him to stay he had to go. I walked him out and we stood in front of my door.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." I say and he hugged me and started walking away.

I wave and I hold the door handle but he came back and he kissed me without warning.

Just like last time the kiss was as passionate and I had to regain my composure after he disappeared into the night.

I went to bed on cloud nine with the taste of his lips on mine.

And of course all l dream about is him.

My boyfriend, Treadway. 

The Damaged Series (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now