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To pass the time before University as it was already October I decided to work at a nearby Café, Plaza Café; it was approximately 10 minutes from home and five minutes from my mom's work place Cedars Sinai Medical Centre.

Sometimes my mom and her co-workers came to eat at the café.

I started working at the Café to avoid staying at home alone it was becoming boring, worse without my best friend. Lydia recommended as it was something light, that would not trigger anything and she said and I quote 'Keeping myself a bit occupied'.

After Jace broke up with me, I did not tell my mom because she would have ended up worrying about trivial things.

I was surprised I handled the breakup well or maybe it's because I had already started noticing the distance Jace was keeping and braced myself.

As l was driving home from work around 6 pm. l spot rooftop from across the street holding a pink and purple heart-shaped balloon.

A little girl probably around the age of 8 approached him with a huge cute smile.

Author's pov

"For you little miss sunshine." Rooftop says.

"Why thank you kind sir." The little girl giggles giving him a curtsy.

"You look pretty as always." He says giving the kid a big hug.

"Is mom okay?" The little girl asked.

"Of course, she is Vee. She is not coming home soon though. She has some business she has to take care of before coming home."

"Okay, did you get into a fight again?" she asks rubbing Rooftop's bruised left cheek.

"Oh look, it's aunt Michaela you should go to the car now."

A young woman, Michaela around Rooftop's age approaches him as Vee goes to the car, one that Michaela emerged from.

"How are you holding up?" she asks.

"Just hanging in there."

"You should move in with us, Ron is dangerous, l mean look at yourself." she says with pity in her eyes.

"I can't leave mom with him, he will destroy her. l just have to convince her that he is not good for the both of us and he never will. It's just taking longer than expected." He says

"Always looking out for family."

"I will drop by next week to check up on Valerie l still haven't found a job." He says.

"l will check with Melchior to see if he has found the barista replacement he was looking for at his café." she says

"I don't know; you know how much l hate coffee."

"If it wasn't worth it. l wouldn't have mentioned it." she says

"Thank you Mick l owe you." he says.

"It's the least l could do for what you did for me." she says.


I parked my car, got out and struggled to get close to them to eavesdrop their conversation without giving myself away or creeping them out but I fail miserably.

There was traffic and trying to maneuver my way close to them was more difficult but I eventually managed to but as soon as l start making my way to them one action that was taken by the young pretty lady made me halt in my tracks.

She kisses his cheek and she saunters her way back to her car and gets in.

He stared at the sliver Vanguard as it took off.

The Damaged Series (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now