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Spending time with Elicia became something I could not do without.

She made me want to stand up to Ron, my stepdad, if possible beat him to death but unfortunately I could not.

I loved my mom and I didn't want Val to grow up without a mother, she already had no father.

Since the café closed, I managed to get a job for the festive break that paid very well so l had nothing to worry about when it came to getting money for Ron.

I also got to spent time with Val and Mick.

The next day on Saturday I was supposed to meet Ron at the house and give him the money I had earned.

I got home and knocked to be welcomed by a wasted Ron.

The whole house was full of smoke. He had two of his friends in the house smoking pot.

The whole house reeked of alcohol and this got me sick to my stomach.

I knew very well the money I gave him enabled him to buy all these drugs and beer but I could not protest.

I hated that I was weak when it came to this; why couldn't I be strong and stand my ground?

"Good thing you came I was beginning to be impatient." Ron says and his friends laughs and one of them who had dark blonde hair even offered me whiskey and I declined.

"You don't drink boy?" the man asks and I shake my head not wanting to speak because I wasn't sure if I was able to control myself.

"No, he drinks. Take the whiskey and drink boy." Ron says eyeing me and I shake my head still.

"I can't be drinking I will be going to work later." I say in a very calmed manner so that he won't think I was rebelling against him.

"Bullshit, take it. You wouldn't want to find out the consequences of not obeying your dad now would 'a?" he asks smirking and it takes all my willpower not to break the whiskey bottle in his face.

"Leave it Ron." One of the friends says but he doesn't listen instead he waits for me to drink.

I take a swig and the liquid burns my throat.

The burning sensation continues until I feel it in my stomach.

Two more gulps and I return the bottle.

"Can I see mom?" I ask and he nods.

I was taken aback because he usually makes it a big deal, alcohol is good to some extent I guess.

I get in mom's room and see her sleeping.

My heart breaks as I look at her.

She used to be beautiful, lively and ever-smiling when dad was still alive.

She used to be joyous, energetic and enthusiastic of life itself but as l said, used to be, it's all in the past.

Now all the shine, color, and energy is gone.

Sometimes I wonder if I should keep on fighting.

It's difficult to fight for someone who doesn't care.

Doesn't she see that I am hurting, doesn't she see that I am no longer the joyful kid I was when dad was still here.

But then I remember what dad said before he passed away.

Mom needs you so please don't let her go,

It's going to be difficult once I am gone but she loves you just as much as l love you, so be patient.

The Damaged Series (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now