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Journal entry 201

Dear Treadway

I have started calling you Way.

You do not seem very fond of it because you correct me every time l say Way saying it's Treadway.

I do not listen though because I want to be someone you think about.

Every time you hear Way anywhere else you think of me.

Selfish aren't l?

I try talking to you on certain occasions but you keep the conversations professional, most of the times l do the talking.

Not that you have a habit of ignoring people but I think you just don't talk a lot, you are reserved

You are also kind; I saw you buying a little girl who was short of money to buy a chocolate dipped éclair.

You bought her three eclairs and I was pleased.

I thought back to when I bought the energy drinks for you, I wonder if you thought of that incident too.

I know you are kind, damaged people are not kind so, you are not damaged.

There is still hope.

I have asked you to have lunch with me a couple of times at work which in turn you decline politely.

I don't see you eating at work is it because you do not want to waste money since you have to give it to your stepdad?

I think you are facing problems with your stepdad, you always don't look so well rested.

I want to be a friend; someone you tell your problems to.

I could help you, if you need help.

You don't always have to carry the weight alone.

I wish you could see that.

I wish l could invite you home, but l don't think you would want to.

After writing my journal l go to bed.

"You are still investing in this person Elicia." Lydia tells me.

"I know that as well, hell l can see it. I don't know how to stop. It's like it has become natural to write about him. I can't seem to write anything else." I tell Lydia lying on the sofa trying to understand myself too.

"l want to help him, his dad seems to be abusive." I tell Lydia.

"You can't because you don't have proof. And if he wanted to get out of it don't you think he would have. Sometimes things aren't as they seem." Lydia says.

"What if he can't, you don't see when you are being abused Lydia and you of all people know it. He really needs help. I want to help him. We should inform the police."

"I don't want to burst your bubble but if he was going through that, as smart as you claim he is wouldn't he have approached the police already or tried to find help but failed? I don't want you to rush into something you are not sure of for starters you might even make it worse." Lydia says and as much as I want to deny it she is saying the truth.

He doesn't even open up about anything, he is always doom and gloom l don't even know how to approach him.

"Back to you El."

The Damaged Series (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now