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"The Parts That I Lost"

Part 6: The Posionous Dream

When she was still young, she dreamed of it like this
Someday she will have a perfect ending
Years later, she realized that perfection is too much
She did not think it was possible nor did she deserve it
So maybe a happy ending would be better to ask
Now, just a decent ending would be nice
She had always been kind to others
Always been ready to try
She had always been hardworking
Always been willing to give
They laugh at her when she said nobody liked her
They don't know how hard she was trying to be likeable
She had accepted loneliness, betrayal and pain for him
How could life bring her down again?
How could he give her happiness only to take it away?
How can the stars shine then burst into flames?
How can he break her heart into pieces?
Why do love fail if it’s real and genuine?
Why do loyalty deserve betrayal?
Death is slowly creeping into her soul
A person who is truly interested will try
Even if it's certain that you are not the same language
She deserve someone eager to learn the language of her heart
As much as she was willing to learn and understand his
But never was she a choice
Never was she a flame that set fire to his soul
She was a dunes of sand
Bits by bits of her falling to the ground
She's been locked in a glass cage just gradually falling in time
When that day comes,
When the last bit of her fail to forget his smile
The tragedy will be escapable and she will fall once again.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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