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This book is my wishing well, this is my wishing star.

I'll pour every wish in my heart, throw every coin that I have.

Number 1:

I wish to die, this world is cruel and bad.

Number 2:

I wish I was not sad and broken enough to wish for number 1.

Number 3:

I wish to have everything I lost back to me

I have nothing anymore to make me hold my head high

You might think I am ungrateful and not contented with what I have

But I am only saying the realizations I have about my life

They say your family loves you, and you are not alone

But would your family still love you if you were not born into their family?

If you were strangers would they still love you as they love you now?

Don't you question yourself if they only love you because we are told all our lives that it is what we should do?

Is it just an obligation, a rule we must follow?

With that, it brings me to...

Number 4:

I wish to be loved by my family as they love me now.

If it is just an obligation, I will take it.

Even if I don't deserve it, I wish to be loved.

Their love is the only love I have right now so I can't bare to lose it.

Number 5:

I wish to stay friends with those people I chose to open my heart with.

If friendship is the only thing I am good for, then so be it

I might not get romantic love but at least I get to keep the friendship.

Number 6:

I wish for happiness, just simple happiness.

I am not asking for riches, castles, and gold

I am not asking for anything that much

All I want is love or just contentment at the very least.

I wish to wake up and be happy that I am still alive

Not like now where I sigh and get disappointed that there was still a tomorrow for me.

Number 7:

I wish to be beautiful.

I wish that at least for once I'll be a flower or a sunset

I am not asking to be the prettiest of all

What I ask is to be beautiful in someone's eyes

I am asking to be admired for who I am and how I look without trying to fit in other people's standards.

Number 8:

I wish to be the subject of someone's poem about love

Again, I wish to be loved, I wish to feel the love before I succumb to death

Before I give up on life, I want to feel the happiness in love and not just the breaking part of it.

Number 9:

I wish that I'll finally learn to love myself.

All my life I hated who I am because of what other people say

I've always believed the bad things they describe me with

I was always the fool, always the weak victim

I don't want to be a victim anymore.

I want my own story where I am the main lead and not just an extra or a villain.

Number 10:

I wish that wishes do come true

I wish Disney and Cinderella were right when they say wishing hard enough will make it come true

I wish that I will not rely again on wishes just to express my heart

What I mean by wishing is that I am unlucky so I ask fate to have mercy on me

These are my wishes, my fantasies, my hallucinations

Although they don't exist, it is what my heart wants

These are the things I can't get in a world of reality

These are my cries, these are my secrets

Now that you have read it, I wish you keep it to yourself

This is a secret between you and me and fate who is always throwing spears into my heart and rocks in my life.

A/N: Hello, I would love to hear your thoughts about this poem. You can write your favorite line or the phrase/line you like the most in this poem. Mine is down in the comment section. I'll be waiting for your answer. Once again thank you for reading! Love you guys, bye!

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